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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Being completely dry while claiming to be standing in a rainstorm is delusional and hardly based on "pure fact".
  2. A few concepts you may want to study before commenting again: 1. The size of the universe 2. The speed of light 3. Time there are more but those are the basics. You won't need to master them completely. A grasp of the high level basics will suffice.
  3. Based on the opinions here Risto's trade value seems to be somewhere in between Gretzky and Andrew Peters.
  4. It's even more simple than that which is the part you fail to grasp.
  5. Wow that's way off in a lot of ways. This is the UFO/alien thread. That has been a wrap for some time now or at least should have been. This is not an exploration thread and exploration is by no means a wrap as I stated very clearly in my reply to BT.
  6. Dude Perfect has crappy music instead of annoying banter now?
  7. How does race play a role in any government being a complete and total catastrophe? If you think it does, you are the racist. It doesn't. There is only one letter in Trump's tweet that indicates bias. Hint: it's the letter e. That bias could be considered ideological, nationalistic or xenophobic but hardly racist if you're being truthful. The problem is those other words don't trigger enough people so the inaccurate word racist is a must. You accused me of deflection earlier but commies like you use it regularly. When they are criticized, let's talk about a progressive's race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or any other singular point of emphasis and use it to deflect. Deflect away from the fact that their ideology fails. Deflect toward the fact that every person has flaws but that those who disagree with the ideology must have their flaws pointed out and used to advance the failed ideology. Trump was certainly inarticulate and inaccurate in his tweet. He was also correct about ideologies that always fail. But by all means I suppose we should focus on how polite someone is when deciding the ideology that will define our future. Then we should let commies define what is polite. That'll work.
  8. You are correct. The word effectively belongs where literally was placed. Sorry about that. The overall point is that more than enough data has been collected and analyzed to show that the universe is not "teeming with intelligent life" nor is it a place where intelligent life can be anything other than immeasurably scarce and highly likely to remain unknown forever if it exists at all. If it were common or even uncommon, we'd have found it in the effectively infinite data we've searched. Imagine looking for the elephant in the room and entering the door only to see four walls. What kind of clear thinking person keeps looking? How about walking outside and staying dry for a full minute yet believing you're standing in the middle of a rainstorm? That might be a better analogy. Now I'm not saying looking to the stars to understand the universe is a bad idea. We need a deeper understanding because in a few billion years Earth is toast. It is beginning to look like our progeny would need to construct an artificial haven or make huge changes elsewhere but we still need to learn much more. Every second spent looking for non-existent cousins is for entertainment purposes, a scam for funding, or a waste of science.
  9. Commies of all races are woefully misguided or highly deceptive. The end result is always the same.
  10. If he changed the word "countries" to "states" he could have been talking about Pelosi.
  11. Wimbledon final gave a glimpse but overall I agree. Godspeed to Gibson.
  12. Lol we can literally see almost back to the Big Bang. That is what our current technology has allowed.
  13. Listen again. It was Peter Gabriel singing it. Peter Gabriel was the singer in Yes so that means Yes Hopper is dead. Or maybe Yes he is alive.
  14. Don't even bother. smartyjoneswinsthetriplecrown.com is taken.
  15. Lol we have literally looked in an infinite number of places and times.
  16. All 4000 of those planets have been established to have no chance whatsoever of harboring intelligent life. The charlatans have said stuff like "this one is 96% Earth like" while not mentioning the "other 4%" is something that totally precludes life. In truth they are less Earth like than Venus. Everything that has been found has shown Earth and our solar system to be wildly different than any other known orb and domain. The stuff they are finding is really cool but it demonstrates what has been obvious for some time now,. Sitcom math is another demonstration of the same thing. The only case made for intelligent life existing elsewhere is "but there is so much stuff". It's too bad that "stuff" is nothing like Earth and than none of it has ever sent a signal.
  17. What is 0/4003+ when converted to a percentage?
  18. They'll just put up some giant billboards with the sitcom math equatio around the perimeter. That'll freeze these morons right in their tracks.
  19. The poem's title should have been either: Perverts on parade or I have no clue what to do with a woman so I'll throw a few ideas out and see what sticks.
  20. Holy crap. I thought this story was funny and given the details I told Sammy about it. He went OFF on me calling me some very mean names. Then he told me what I can do with the p and all the rest of the letters that are actually in hamster. It was raunchy and a bit scary; even for him.
  21. I read it and thought it sucked.....badly.......as a book. I almost stopped reading it 3 or 4 times as I found it trite and highly repetitive. It was as if he had enough material for a short story and added 90% filler. The movie was far worse. With that all said, you are 100% right about the theme. It was dead on.
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