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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Was this a verbal request? Because the other kind can now be treated cheaply with generics.
  2. That article was one part ostentatious, one part paranoid, one part unscientific and a thousand parts irrelevant to the conversation.
  3. I think it was dormant, not dead when Season 2 ended.
  4. Careful boys. @Joe in Winslow is the real expert but this broad looks like a bit chopper upper to me.
  5. You think the press talks about inaccuracy now? Wait until he throws it out of the stadium during a game.
  6. Where does proper comma use fit into the stupidity calculation?
  7. The thread was a hoot. One guy nicknamed the bomber "Pyro McFolkterrorist".
  8. What will we all do if we don't have congress to save us from a Facebook page?
  9. That must have been proven on Earth because there aren't any aliens to prove it anywhere else.
  10. If you want to keep kicking cans down roads with silly sidesteps and denying reality, that is your option. There are many roads and lots of kickable cans. Eventually all of the roads lead to the same place. And there aren't any aliens or UFOs there.
  11. Do yourself a favor. Find the sitcom math equation on line at ibelieveinmadeupcrap.com or a similar site and plug in your own numbers even if they are based on guesses. Report back and we'll move on to step two.
  12. Its relevance to this particular discussion is unchanged by your attempted diversion unless you're suggesting that light comes to a grinding halt on a regular basis. You're not suggesting that are you?
  13. I was not enthused about S3 after watching S2. I thought it had run its course. Turns out I liked S3 a lot . They did a nice job. I'd be ok with S4 but that would have to be it. The part I found odd about the end wasn't the "American" part. They could go several ways with that and it might not even be written yet. The thing I find strange is that it was heavily implied that the Russians hadn't penetrated the upside down at all and had to move to Hawkins to do so yet they somehow had retrieved and controlled one of the monsters. That needs some splainin.
  14. Different equations. Inaccurate interpretation of sitcom math helps you believe aliens can be real. Inaccurate interpretation of Warthog math will end that belief....and end lots of other things too. I don't think this A51 thing will happen because alien believers tend to be pot heads and pot heads tend to sleep late and forget things.
  15. That gibberish continues to be correct every minute of every hour of every day. Your "belief" based on shifting what ifs is unhealthy.
  16. Ok I'll be clear that I made an omission by not using the word "observable". I should have. Congrats on the gotcha moment. Edit to previous: If you understood the basics surrounding the size of the observable universe, the speed of light and time, you'd conclude that intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is a notion already refuted by logic and math. You don't, so you think aliens are possible. As I have stated in other parts of this thread, things like parallel universes cannot be dismissed. They are also unrelated except for the fact that they usually capture the interest of the same alien loons that talk about UFOs. Pro tip:. If you'd like to discuss the mathematics regarding other dimensions and/or parallel universes don't muddy the waters and soil your credibility with the absurd notion of aliens in this one.
  17. Feel free to add "known" or "observable" in front of where I typed universe. Given that is it safe to assume you'd agree that intelligent life just simply isn't out there? Because that is what the data says.
  18. I'm sure if you pay enough attention you can up with at least seven to eleven reasons.
  19. Four? What part of his tweet said four? Or is that something you define? Biden is clearly a racist but B Mind won't call that out.
  20. It really should have been an easy question to answer. What race? You haven't answered because he didn't criticize a race. He criticized an ideology. He did so in the wrong way but that doesn't make the ideology magically viable.
  21. You use "think" and "believe" interchangably. Add their definitions to your study list.
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