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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Intelligent aliens do not exist in this universe. Full stop. Parallel universes may or may not exist. If they do, they may or may not include aliens. The method of split between universes, also unknown, may generate finite or infinite numbers. I can imagine these universes including aliens only, humans only, humans and aliens, being totally lifeless and other possibilities including having gone extinct. My guess; and it is a guess, is that we may one day be able to prove their improbability or likelihood but never the actual content within them. This could be wrong but is my best guess. It is unrelated to the content of this universe which includes no aliens. I do find it interesting to ponder what would create a "split" and what would not. Before life existed was there only one universe full of inanimate objects bouncing around? Were these splits only generated by the action of beings exhibiting some sort of free will? If so, is that because it is all a simulation? If not is it because of something else that causes inanimate objects to act differently despite identical conditions? These are all interesting to me and worthy of investigation. The concept of aliens existing in this universe is boring and worth not a cent of further inquiry. That doesn't mean stop studying the universe at all. It means stop looking for something you'll never find.
  2. You can take the John outta Hemet but you can't......
  3. While the notion of UFOs, even if fun, has been proven silly, there are other things that are mysterious and might actually be real. Something that may someday be proven silly, but hasn't been yet, is the possibility of parallel universes. Oversimplified , it states that everything we do, every decision, creates a new universe heading in a slightly different directions. All possible universes would exist. A universe where you have won every single Powerball drawing is out there somewhere. Craaaaaaaaaazy but mathematically possible. I'm not sure I believe it but, unlike communicating aliens existing in this universe, it hasn't been disproven. I just find it hard to imagine a universe in which Jerry Sullivan wrote a positive article about the Bills. I just don't see it. Thoughts?
  4. I never said the stories weren't fun. Have fun.
  5. Responded to what? Your nonsensical theory that all signals are undetectable?
  6. Does CBP stand for Canadian Blackballing Processors? God I hope so.
  7. Can we please go one thread without your "Carrot Top in his younger days" fantasy?
  8. Is there a rule about a person's pronouns having to actually be pronouns or even words? What if I wanted my pronouns to be Spectaculous and freezie pop's?
  9. Is that why all the radios are Earth have never worked and why we can't send signals to a machine on Mars?
  10. Do they have long cloaks and candles and chanting at the church of Andrew Luck? What a joke.
  11. Sounds good. No rush. There won't be any signals coming in by then or by the twelfth.
  12. This relates to the thread about as much as whether Lorenzo Alexander's car is due for an oil change or if Pete Carrol is considering coloring his hair.
  13. Some crude math that is probably not way off converts that to 80k per year in the US. Disgusting.
  14. 1172 is 30% of the CHARGED child rapes in one state? People are sick.
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