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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. She is a ditz who has never had a difficult day in her life. And that qualifies her to be angry about everything and talk down to all of us.
  2. Biden implied drug users are illiterate. And nobody called him out?
  3. If Inslee yells out "Cleveland Rocks" I will vote for him.
  4. Clearly no one made you say anything, because you didn't say anything.
  5. Amazon has been experimenting with drone delivery. Beerboy has a standing weekly Oreo order.....34 cases of with a gross of boxes each. Coincidence?
  6. I'll take "Famous quotes from interrogation videos" for $800 Alex.
  7. First Jay Cutler, now Josh Rosen. Next man up:. Jay Rosen.
  8. Edwards sucked before during and after that ugly hit but his best game came after the hit.
  9. Mr. Backstreet BoyZ didn't mention that it fell off the undercarriage of my Bently when Sven II hit a pothole did he?
  10. Newman was an intergalactic mailman on Deep Space 9. He went with Quark to try to return spent dilithium canisters to another galaxy that had higher return deposits.
  11. 1. Not really,. My statements about aliens apply to this universe only. 2. Sure. But science can prove a lot of things. Parallel universes may some day be among those things even if we never see them. 3. Aliens wouldn't be boring. Neither would rainbow farting unicorns. Neither exist. The math spelling that out is in this thread. Some people don't grasp it. Others grasp it but deny it because they want to smoke pot and ponder like the comment above describes. That's harmless I guess but math is math whether sober or stoned.
  12. Rape is bad but it's happened before. Plus she was wearing a short skirt.
  13. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but let's be honest: they are easily manipulated and can be propped up as figureheads while being controlled by Andrew Weissman and others.
  14. He didn't reach any conclusions in the report before he wrote the report? Time machine FTW.
  15. They are not interested in publishing all of the truth. Their task was Get Trump.
  16. Without the existence of math your entry above would make sense. It is only nonsensical due to math.
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