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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Beane:. I know your goalies suck but no you can't borrow Tre.
  2. Evidently there isn't much math in your typical journalism curriculum.
  3. Add: logic and common sense Subtract: wishful thinking Realize: the contradiction of your implication
  4. There is no question that we are finding not only many interesting things but many questions about how much further we should look. Despite your spin implying intelligent life has become more likely it simply hasn't. Sitcom math still rules the day as trillions of signals have been collected with a grand total of zero coming from life. We've discovered that our protected Earth and the Solar System in which it resides are, so far, completely unique with nothing close to them being observed. We know far more now than when Kepler was launched about the collision that created the Earth and Moon's dance and how critical that is to life thriving. There are thousands upon thousands of other factors that make Earth what it is and math shows these factors are singular. The question...really the only one that matters.....is whether we have the resolve to stop searching the skies for extraterrestrial heroes that simply do not exist and instead apply our knowledge towards preserving ourselves. The story of Noah and the wisdom and insight of Von Neumann show the way. The arrogance of people like Musk and Branson is wasting our time. Humans, once born on Earth should really stay in this neighborhood.
  5. These discoveries are definitely among the coolest things man has ever done but they are equal parts brilliant and depressing. Before we discovered any of these planets, math had established that we are the only intelligent life in the universe. This data is filling in some of the missing pieces as to why. We needed to discover them and probably need to keep going for a bit longer but the picture that is being painted is bleak. None of these solar systems are remotely similar to ours. Ours, with its giant planets in the outer system and its small rocky planets inside is quite the anomaly. Earth itself is quite unique when compared to these "super earths" which are clearly given that name as some sort of marketing ploy. Do the conditions on that planet sounded at all like Earth? Is it tidally locked? For my money we have discovered enough solar systems to detect a trend although I can see arguments otherwise. To me, if we are going to spend research dollars they should go toward propulsion systems capable of extra-solar travel. These telescopes are looking for destinations and finding none. Why propel if there is no place to go? The more we look, the more it will damage our collective psyche and with it our will to explore. Our destiny in this universe is becoming obvious, but it has many many steps necessary to reach its goal. Most of these steps need to be taken without our direct involvement, although we must initiate them. I am in no way denigrating the fantastic scientists that came up with these ideas for exploration. They did an amazing job. Because their discoveries have not been what we would have hoped is no reason to criticize them. Truth is truth, whether it is glorious or stark. It is time to adapt to stark reality. The combination of propulsion, AI and genetic distribution is our avenue to survival. An arrogant stoner like Elon Musk who wants to walk on Mars because he thinks he is special is ultimately hindering our capabilities, not helping them. The telescopes, while amazing are rapidly approaching the end of their marginal utility.
  6. That's it. This is the excuse thread. Good job.
  7. He wasn't billed as the next Manning. He was reputed to be much more than that.
  8. Your overall take on Boomers is dead on which is surprising because that generation is full of commies. I'd think they would be your favorite. Applying the general rule to individuals you know little about isn't really fair.
  9. Rodgers Hopkins Nelson Mack Kamara Donald James Garrett Slay Edmunds
  10. Kim Jung QB won't be participating when the Colts visit OP next week because he is dinged up. It doesn't look like anything too serious though and he should be ready to start the season. When 2018 ended for the greatest prospect in football history it was at the hands of a legendary Chiefs defense who got hot at the right time. Boy were they awesome. This was unfortunate for Luck because the Chiefs D was really bad almost every week in 2018 and bad again in the AFCCG the very next week. They really didn't stop anyone but the Colts all year. It's another in a long list of anamolies that have kept KJQB's greatness from producing actual results. Without question, like in previous years, anything that goes wrong for the Colts this year will not be Luck's fault. This thread can be used to document what goes wrong.
  11. I think it has impact on some of them that lasts a long time. You may not see it but even if small, it is evident that dressing up like a penguin every day had consequences down the road for you.
  12. Science update:. Wishing for aliens has rendered geometry moot and turned trapezoids into triangles.
  13. I had a friend named Brian Temple who got stoned and thought he could jump in the swimming pool from the 3rd story. He only missed by inches but that was enough. Be careful dudes.
  14. Six lights in a v formation. Try drawing that out. Occum's Shaver says nope.
  15. I'm pretty sure Biden was off one millennium on the name of his own web site.
  16. Ah. So doubling down on the crass. Classy.
  17. It's a combination of: Fixed costs Variable Costs Extortion by the other countries These are all very simple things to understand but most prefer outrage.
  18. I don't think so but if so that's fine by me.
  19. Gillibrand says she'll Clorox the Oval Office. One look at her hair gives her credibility on the topic of bleach.
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