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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I don't need to get elected or anything else. I will release all the information about aliens right now: There aren't any. Maybe now Bernie can promise to release information about eliminating toenail fungus as that would be more substantive and valuable and it is sort of free health care.
  2. If he were on the Fish he'd be Fitzgibbons favorite target.
  3. Either extra precaution was taken or it wasn't. All of your conspiracy stuff assumes it was. I agree that it should have been, but to just assume that it was is not based in anything factual. It is very possible that he could have had normal sheets back and hung himself with them. I agree; especially with the first part.
  4. Lol you are making leaps in logic, not me. Every article I've read said "prisoners on suicide watch get......". This certainly implies that those not on suicide watch did not have those things. There is nowhere for me to point you to other than "every article written about it". There was no indication that once a prisoner was off the list that he would keep the suicide sheets. Your assumptions are the leap.
  5. Dude the special clothes and sheets were for prisoners on suicide watch. Epstein was off suicide watch. This information is easy to find. Those bones are broken both by hanging and strangulation, although less frequently in hanging.
  6. I don't care about it. But people definitely cash in on this imaginary stuff. People want to believe in aliens so others make movies about it, create web sites, whatever. It's basically an industry.
  7. Are you implying that SETI $ are the only $ impacted by the erroneous belief in intelligent aliens?
  8. Of course the goal is to keep the conversation because $$$$$$$$$$$, power, control. Of course the goal is not a definitive answer.......because no one would like the answer.
  9. I don't have a favorite Billy Joel song but I a favorite part of every Billy Joel song. The end. When it's over.
  10. Morgan's stick is short because the nuclear chick....who I also like....cut the radioactive end off.
  11. I thought it was a decent episode and a good setup for the back half of the season. Lennie James just kills it acting giving long dialogues. Dillahunt is really good too.
  12. It could be a lot of things....with phony on the very top of the list. One thing it is not.....aliens. It's simply not and that has been demonstrated over and over again. We are currently collecting immeasurable amounts of data. None of it shows anything. Bunk like Tabby's star and other crap are the BEST evidence that has come up.
  13. The realization that we are alone would probably also be withheld from the public as governments tend to think of themselves as somehow superior. Here's the thing though:. You always have rogues in there somewhere. If we had discovered aliens someone would have found a way to disclose it. Realizing we are alone is harder though. People, even very bright people, will grasp at straws forever. This is demonstrated every day by the existence of so many endeavors people take on that are the proverbial needle in a haystack. It can lead one to ignore the obvious. The ultimate destiny of the human race has yet to be determined but the proper direction is relatively clear. It begins in realizing that we, as a species, are clearly alone and that we, as individuals, are not going anywhere beyond our immediate neighborhood. And we need to be ok with that because it is ok. Once these realizations are truly made we can indeed move on to initiate the fulfillment this destiny. Or we can put the future of our place in the universe at risk by diddling around looking for non-existent aliens and fooling ourselves into thinking that putting humans into space on a mass scale will ever make any sense when clearly it won't. It's our choice.
  14. I agree with all of that but the question is why. An argument can be made that ROR became exactly that leader this year. When he was in Buffalo he could barely muster up the will to play at all. I don't see Risto as a natural leader anywhere but he is a nice piece for a good team. Why is it that guys are lost here? I hope it is just a culture cleansing that Bott/Krueger can fix but who knows? There is clearly something amiss. I don't think it can be ownership because the Bills demonstrate they are capable of finding guys to build a culture. You can see it building with the Bills. Any flicker shown by the Sabres is quickly extinguished. To me it has to be coaching, GM or the captain. We already have a new coach albeit one hired by the GM. Outside impressions can easily be wrong. Not everyone makes it easy to see their stupidity and incompetence a la Tim Murray. Eichel strikes me as everything you want in a player that is growing. He definitely has low points but most things are positive. He is probably too young to be the captain but the surroundings built by Murray may have forced that hand. I doubt he is the issue but if so, the new coach has to deal with it. Botts strikes me as a doofus who lacks a sense of urgency. A major step up from the destructive Murray but far from ideal. He needs to put a personality onto this team, which he hasn't done. A lot rides on Skinner in 19/20 and that is pretty unfair but Botts made that bed.
  15. Why do players like Risto and ROR think they need to leave to win? There is some systemic behind the scenes issue for sure.
  16. I wouldn't do it but I know an old outfielder from the Brewers would just so he could feel normal.
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