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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Spoiler alert:. Neo will look down and out but will grab one of the tennis balls off the bottom of his walker and throw it at agent Smith. He will miss but Smith will trip over it and fall. Smith will start loudly complaining about his sciatica which will be overheard by Trinity who does not fight physically, but verbally with Smith by lamenting the horrors of menopause. While this is going on within earshot Neo will surreptitiously crawl over to his gun, load it and put a bullet in his own head. Roll credits.
  2. Four posts in and we already have: "better then" in the thread title "pump the breaks" in a post let's go for the record!!!!!!!
  3. These people are a disgrace. And yes I'm including Barr,Horowitz, Huber and the lot of them investigating with no action whatsoever. They are stealing their salaries and doing nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuthing. Much of what was done is right there in public record and yet zero action has been taken. One of them should muster up 5 minutes of honesty and notify us that some people can do whatever they want. Instead, it's multiple years of "investigating"/padding the pension.
  4. Does Kevin Malone get one too for inventing the number keleven? When he couldn't get a ledger to balance he just added keleven. It's basically the same thing as dark matter.
  5. Hysterical interviews in episode 3, until the second one got creepy.
  6. Will this be the first time that the combined record of the NFL will be under 500?
  7. The Go-go's hit song "I Love Cecile" which is crappy but somehow catchy. It was gutsy to sing about lesbian stuff back then too.
  8. Maybe we can wait 20 years like Eichel and the Sabres. Or maybe screw that and win now.
  9. Beane needs to dig up about 20 of those helmets and trade them to Oakland for a first. One of them will pass inspection.
  10. Good point about the NCAA. They barely punish schools that allow pedophile rings in their locker room.
  11. . Gentlemen? Is this guy some kind of massage artist? How can we listen to him?
  12. At the risk of being repetitive I'll post a video from earlier in the thread. It looks at things from from the point of view of the aliens rather than humans. Or it could be this:
  13. Re-read what you just wrote and then re-think whether I am the one being human centric or if that is you. Your first paragraph does a great job making my points. Why would a civilization that advanced care if we knew or not? What if there were a million of them? Would they all want us not to know? Every single one? What about signs they may have inadvertently sent before they became so advanced? Did those disappear? Yes, the UFO nature of this thread is about physical visitation but clearly that is not the only way we could find out about aliens. Take your example of us and add 1000 years. What is the most likely thing we'd do? This is important. What is the most realistic thing that we'll do?
  14. The discussion has been about intelligent life, not basic forms. Let's just agree to leave extraterrestrial bacteria out of it. If one really thinks through item 3 then item 4 just merges into it. 4 applies to any endeavor; not just aliens. It just says go where the evidence leads. Point 3 is where thinking is required. I understand your point of view but I disagree with it,. The sheer numbers make it clear that the amount of data out there, if any, would be effectively infinite. But there is none. What conclusion is most logical based on that?
  15. 3. This is where you need to think more, IMO. You are the one thinking of it from our point of view, not me. Let's set aside the stuff about Titan and basic life. We probably agree more than we disagree on that. We at least agree that we don't know yet. We also agree about any individual galaxy being a grain of sand but draw opposite conclusions from that. We are not the center of the universe, physically. Even if you agreed that we are the only intelligent life, we are still not the center. So what? Now imagine we are one of many. How many would there be? How long would they have been around? Where would they have originated? What would they have done and how? Think of it on their terms. What does that look like to you? When you think this through you will see that your comments in point 4 are moot and point 3 is all that needs reflection.
  16. 1. I appreciate your respectful demeanor, which is different from some other posters. 2. Although cute, chipmunks can be mildly destructive and make rabbits look like Shakers. 3. Before calling me short sighted and small minded please think. Really think. If you do, you may retract what you said about our view being rudimentary. Even if you don't retract that aspect of it, don't just think about us. Think about more than just us. 4. Sometimes avoiding small mindedness involves accepting what the evidence shows, even if you'd prefer it show something else.
  17. Despite the objections of some posters who seem to have weird vendettas and calling me vile names like PD, logic will always rule the day. I have in fact explained sitcom math in the thread. It is an equation initially meant to show that there are likely a high number of alien civilizations. It is based on real factors and there really isn't too much wrong with it. Rather than go into it all again I'll say: If all of the unknown factors in the equation are very close to zero, but not zero, the number of civilizations would be incredibly high. We have been collecting and analyzing signals from space for decades. This involves all points in time since the beginning and all directions. Not a solitary thing has been found indicating a civilization in any way. Any objective unemotional view of the above two points leads to the obvious conclusion that there is simply nothing to be found. People can yammer on and on attempting to poke holes in that, but they either fail to look into all of the implications of the above or they do and they remain in denial. I did that homework in this thread already. The above is the Cliff notes version. Note:. This logical conclusion applies only to the observable universe, not to other dimensions or other parts of a possible multiverse.
  18. You know why I don't think the ETs will disclose themselves? There are multiple reasons but I'd put "lack of existence" on top of the list.
  19. Noted. Unlike aliens, this is a conspiracy theory that is believable.
  20. If this were a video daily double clue on Jeopardy the question would be: What is a dude who can do more pull-ups than Mittlestadt?
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