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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Try thinking from multiple points of view, not just one.
  2. I know full well what the Goldilocks zone represents. I lol'ed it because it means very little and that has been proven. It's like saying you can't make a supercollider without aluminum and then saying you're almost done because you bought a roll of Reynolds wrap.
  3. I used the word and you misunderstood or changed its meaning.
  4. I'm not putting words in your mouth so please don't do that to me. By inconsequential I mean: never to be found never to have any impact on humanity in any way so pretty much the same as non-existent The Goldilocks zone? Shirley you can't be serious.
  5. I've acknowledged that I left out other dimensions and that I think there is a bit of a case for parallel universes. If I were close minded, would those things be true? So I'll give you this:. At the absolute most; in a highly unlikely scenario, there could be an Earth twin,triplet or quadruplets out there, but if so they are are as inconsequential as a tree falling in the woods with no one there to hear it. It is pointless to look for such a thing and any thought about it has been proven to be a wasted thought. There is a very high likelihood that if even a very few of these actually existed, we would already know.
  6. I swear I didn't know that. I just knew Hawking was a jerk. But I indeed broke my own rules. Neil Degrasse Tyson is just too easy. New guess: Wolfgang Puck
  7. What many fail to grasp is that we haven't been looking for 54 years. We've been looking for all 13.8 billion. If you think about it you will understand why. He is far from my expert. Today was the first time I've ever seen or heard him. At this very moment I don't even recall his name. But his name doesn't matter. Facts matter. As long as you brought up experts I'll ask if you prefer experts on any topic to use all the facts or just the ones that point in the direction they prefer. I think everyone would prefer the universe to be teeming with life and include myself in that group. "Whoa dude, it's like really big" is so far the only thing pointing in that direction. Everything else points away.
  8. Lol a Facebook page is interfering in our election. They also probably interfered in the Clover Vallley Idaho prom king vote on snapchat too huh? What a joke.
  9. I left this separate from the main Epstein thread. Lots of people gave been accused or rumored to be friends of Epstein. Shirley there are others. Take a guess or two at whose name might come out some day. It can't be anyone already mentioned or anyone from his black book. I'll start: Stephen Hawking George Clooney
  10. He pointed out three highly unusual things about Earth. These are three things out of hundreds that are highly unusual. It would seem those hundreds of very rare things make our circumstances inconcevably unusual. The utter lack of any signal whatsoever from the trillions collected from all directions and times in space corroborates his conclusion. If he is biased, he is biased by data. Others are biased by wishful thinking, misplaced spirituality, laziness or profit motive. Good luck getting them to admit that.
  11. It had to be aliens I suppose. Here's some more math. It's basic Fermi stuff but I'm sure I just don't understand how big everything is, amirite?
  12. It depends on what defines probable cause in that jurisdiction, but if I'm correct the involvement of a Patriot nullifies any action by the police.
  13. Actually, it's safe to say that no other civilizations have walked that path.
  14. Occum's Shaver wins. Again. It's not aliens. Ever. It's not aliens because there aren't any. That doesn't mean exploring space is folly. Far from it. Yes looking for alien signals has become as silly as looking for leprechauns, but exploring space itself is the destiny of our species. More accurately, it is exploration or extinction. All of the things you mention above are part of that process.
  15. These dirty cops following up on alarms! How dare they? I remember the good old days when cops would go out after work and defend the world from champagne buying running backs.
  16. I don't disagree with any of that but saying that a tennis court was photoshopped or a few mounds of dirt is obviously a burial site is ridiculous. When those things turn out wrong it is easier to make everything look like a conspiracy.
  17. The guy clearly did terrible things for a long time. Speculating about supposedly fake tennis courts and mass graves all based on satellite photos makes it easy for things to get swept under the rug.
  18. It's looking like maybe it is about a procedure Elway had on his hand in the past and that the "reporter" thought it would be funny to get people thinkIng Elway has a disease. Classy.
  19. A kangaroo doing that makes some sense, but a mountain lion?
  20. Spoiler alert. They'll do it on the 12th. Because it would have been difficult to dispose of bodies?
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