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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Maybe Yarbrough. I feel bad for Murphy. He's good enough to play but I'm not sure he will make it.
  2. It looked like even the 53 were pretty pumped at the end. A real team vibe appears to be at work.
  3. Feckless leeches sucked all the work out of that project and produced their predictable useless pontification.
  4. Every one of those people is compromised in a way. They believe themselves superior and all the people with ability to to hold them responsible agree.
  5. Lol take your time. How long? Until the 12th?
  6. It's not really funny that there is a large group that can do anything it wants.
  7. And here Occum's Shaver and I chalked it up to the weak and feckless people running this whole thing. All of that stupid report was stuff we already knew. They are simply running out the clock whether there are 4 extra years or not.
  8. I'm not an expert on the specifics of this case and I think pharma is far too often scapegoated for things a dunce could figure out are false with the use of a a pencil and 5 spare minutes. That said, opiod abuse is a real problem and pharma is a part of it. I don't know the full solution but because socialist morons like to blame them for everything doesn't mean they should be exoneratedfrom everything. They have enough analytical capabilities to know they have sold far more pills than any logical scenario would support.
  9. Is wearing horse heads considered a preeexisting condition? It seems unsanitary.
  10. Reich has what is known as class. And he has extra to spare.
  11. I actually heard a radio talk show yesterday....I think Schein but wouldn't swear to it...say that Luck could sue the Colts for malpractice. This wasn't said jokingly. Andrew Luck was not the first good QB to play on a bad team or behind a bad line. He won't be the last. He didn't live up to expectations. In sports this is not uncommon. Personally, from what I see of him, he will live up to being a good person and likely contribute to society. This will probably go largely unnoticed which is probably fine with him. There are many fans and members of the media who simply will not let go of their preconceived notions, a form of prejudice, that he would be one of the all time greats. He wasn't. Big whoop. The speculation got it wrong. But that will never be admitted. History will be rewritten along the lines of "what could have been". All of this because people can't admit they were wrong. It's weird. I bet it's never mentioned that in the last game of his career he was completely shut down by a horrible defense. It doesn't fit the narrative. I feel bad for Brissett because he can't win. Whatever the Colts do this year the question will be "and how much better would the have done with Luck"? That is completely unfair.
  12. My idea was that Andrew Luck had not and would not live up to the overhyped expectations of him. Although based in logic and facts, this idea proved to be quite unpopular. It has now proven true. Despite this truth, it will probably remain unpopular. Cults gonna cult. I have another popular idea on this board but it is unrelated to football. My current take on the Bills is that they will be a 11 or 12 win team. Although unusual, I doubt it would be unpopular.
  13. Call it a crusade all you want but the truth is the truth. Luck was good, but was deemed infallible. There was a gap there. The UFO/alien thing has similarities but the "gap" is wider because aliens don't exist and the "U" in UFO is only a U for some. Some are military, some are imagined, some are fake....lots of things. None are alien.
  14. From before his NFL career even started, Andrew Luck's upside was to equal the expectations set for him. That is because he arrived at a time when the 24/7 media hyperbole was also arriving. The bar was set so high that there was no way for anyone to overachieve. This was, of course, ridiculous. Luck had had a strong college career and displayed many positive attributes. Genetic concerns, his father was absolutely horrible at being a QB, were ignored. The media train rolled, picking up steam at every imaginable point. Luck had the personality that most would value in a friend but lacked the borderline narcissism often displayed by the prototype sports hero. Nobody noticed. The narrative was in place. Early in his NFL career it was clear that his skill set would produce in fits and starts but that he also lacked killer instinct. The Colts, having been a powerhouse just a year before he arrived, were also in the worst division in the history of professional sports. When Luck sputtered, the Colts were to blame, when he excelled, it was all him. None of this crap came from Luck himself, it all came from the media. Luck himself never threw anyone under any bus. This narrative held for his whole career. Easy plays were missed but that got ignored. Other teams choked away big leads which were deemed Luck orchestrated comebacks. Horrible defenses were able to completely shut him down at times. None of that mattered. Narrative. Most fans bought this crap and still do. Grigson, Irsay, blah, blah, blah. Narratives are wrong all the time but they never go away. We all see it first hand with Josh Allen. Maybe Allen will be great, maybe he won't, but "accuracy" will still be discussed even if he wins 1000 games in a row. Sometimes these narratives prove correct and sometimes they don't but they never go away. People still wonder about a Manziel comeback for Pete's sake. Luck was deemed the next Gretzky/Jordan/etc.. His career should have resembled Tim Raines. Hype at the beginning, some moderate struggles, tenacity that helped build it, and ultimately HOF success but not the stuff of legends. Instead we were told he was the equal of the all time greats and we were supposed to buy it. Many did. I can't speak to the psychology of what drove Luck's retirement. I'm sure he was honest about the injuries but wonder if that was the whole story. Living up to an impossible narrative that he didn't create and probably didn't want, couldn't have helped.
  15. Lol now he's Michael Jordan? What if he came back in three days? Should we start referring to August 24 as Good Saturday? The legend of Kim Jung QB must only grow in his absence.
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