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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. LOL they randomly put the chick from Scrubs in there. Also, there was a creepy offshoot to X Files called Millenium when 2000 was approaching. It was good at first and fizzled out. With 2020 approaching they could reboot it and call it Decade.
  2. There was certainly overlap. Not identical but still. I like most of the new characters including this guy but where is it going? The oil thing had better be big.
  3. The trajectory is upward? Serious question: wouldn't it be impossible to be downward given the article documents them as the worst team in any sport?
  4. Any updates on this? From my perspective it looks like the career of Kim Jung QB:. Went from the surest thing ever to promising to only a matter of time to puzzlingly stifled to ending in a fizzle with no results,
  5. The Up scene was one of my favorite scenes ever. Not even one word and they managed to evoke every human emotion in what, 2 minutes? Genius.
  6. When we get Kyle Lalaulalaelalelleta of the waiver wire everyone will forget these two.
  7. They have also invested in the officiating position which shouldn't be overlooked.
  8. I almost want the Pats to pick him up just to see your 180.
  9. Murphy was already cut. At least I think so.
  10. I'm very upbeat on th Bills but to my eyes he seemed to be the best back on the team. We aren't cap strapped. I don't understand it.
  11. I agree that: it's all good I wish the 12th thing weren't true but it seems to be it would be cool if aliens existed I hope we agree: To keep alien discussion in the UFO thread and keep this about the telescope I disagree: that my knickers were in a wad; just a little reverse chop busting About alien likelihood, but you know that and I'll leave it elsewhere about my pronouns which change from time to time. Freezie pops isn't one of them at this time, they currently are polywurst and dental bridge
  12. Thank your lucky stars that the Chargers moved or you might have ended up in San Diego. Every little bit of that would have been bad. All the little bits.
  13. In theory would an alien version of Tom Petty screeching it's way through a rendition of Free Fallin generate enough IR heat to be detected by Webb?
  14. Huh? I hadn't even posted in this thread. On PPP, Foxx and I haven't interacted much but I'd say we agree far more than we disagree. He knew of my former pronouns from there but that doesn't bother me. I'm guessing PPP had really nothing to do with him calling out my "ego" and it was more about the UFO thread where he has been consistently frustrated by facts. It was an unnecessary, even if weak, personal shot. I never said it was harsh but that really isn't the point. I haven't gone into a thread, posted a link to Foxx's profile, and implied negative things about him/her/Fp. I follow the rules of the board. Question for you: Of the $10B invested in finding aliens what results have been achieved? If we'd invested $10B in the search for leprechauns, would that have been a worse investment thus far? I am never skeptical of proof about any topic, when it is actually proof. I suspect that that we will continue to disagree on intelligent life elsewhere and propose we do that in the UFO thread. This thread was about Webb which should be interesting once in place.
  15. 1. At one point freezie pops was my pronoun 2. Irrelevant 3. Ok. Good luck with that. The other stuff should be awesome Foxx needlessly called me out in a thread where I hadn't even posted, implying that I have an overinflated ego. In general, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw bitcoins but whatever.
  16. ...while in Foxboro, Kraft's nautical metaphor was dolphin flogging
  17. Do all the answers have to be about *****? edit due to censoring:. Whacking off Slow tiger flow If you used to be a tiger but your flow has started to slow, call Roman
  18. If your ideas weren't so vapid you probably wouldn't have to resort to unprovoked personal attacks that clearly violate the TOS. Don't worry though, I'm amused and curious enough to wonder what you'll write when your expectations continue to be shown as fantasy. Webb has a lot of fantastic scientific use cases. Luckily headlines about aliens can be used to lure people into learning about its actual value. It's expensive but it is an important step.
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