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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. If WEO thinks you said anything remotely negative about his Pats, it is on like Donkey Kong.
  2. They were out of $ when they dropped Clark and then they added Clowney. How does that work?
  3. Bears, Chiefs, Ravens, Niners, Jets, Dolphins, Pats, Texans, Redskins, Cowboys, Bucs, Panthers do the Hawks have any money left? Those are the teams I could see. I'll put the top three as Bears, Skins, Dolphins.
  4. Wait a minute. People dress up like Bill Cosby and have date rape conventions? Vegas is sicker than I thought.
  5. The Browns did look good on D in the beginning of the year. Then other teams figured out that Williams blitzes every play. He is like a guy at a poker tournament that raises every single hand. It usually starts ok but never ends well.
  6. That's not what he said. He said they are ALL on the roster now. Okposo is an example. He seems like a good dude but there is no reason for him to be on an NHL roster any more. Yet here he is talking about his adventures with the new coach. Maybe the new coach can Tony Robbins Okposo into being 25 again. Is that the theory? The Sabres either have poorly set organizational goals, or a roster unequipped to achieve goals. Or both. A lot of teams make the playoffs in the NHL. It isn't a big ask at all. The odds of a random team missing the NHL playoffs 8 straight years are roughly three tenths of one percent. Once that lofty goal has been achieved, there is no reason whatsoever for a team to have a hopeless roster that relies on guys who can't do a chin up for their turnaround.
  7. I'm not sure who all of them are but one of them was the Colonel with his wee beady eyes.
  8. The initial basis was a kid with a broken friggin arm and a recording of this reprobate making threats. Nothing was proven. Whoop de friggin do. The Chiefs still decided to throw millions at this loooooooooooser.
  9. That's not what they determined. They determined they couldn't prove anything and they don't want to risk being sued. None of this compels the Chiefs to extend this cretin but here we are.
  10. UFO loons sure have made a lot of rocks famous.
  11. They have been for about the last 5+ years as well documented in the article above. Fair chance to be quite good in a few years? That should win many equivocation awards. Put a stake in the ground. Will the Sabres make the playoffs before Seattle does?
  12. Lol the article says he is "very close" to being ready for an NHL roster which is funny enough given we seemingly drafted him when Rex Ryan seemed like a good idea. The funniest part is that the article says he will have to compete with a bunch of other guys that are almost NHL ready. Sounds like in 4 years or so we'll be able get a few picks at the deadline by filling out the healthy scratch contingent for a playoff team with an injury prone 4th line guy the are worried about. Upward trajectory indeed.
  13. Even the grounds crew sucks. Grass is two different shades of green in sections.
  14. I understand NFL can't do anything. The Chiefs could. They won't.
  15. By off field circumstances does it mean breaking a kids arm and getting to play because no one can prove it?
  16. I thought we were on an upward trajectory. Why can't a guy who is in the locker room every day see that?
  17. It would have been much quieter to let the commies remain in control.
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