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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Pleated khakis and a type A douche bag personality.
  2. If he does that next week all of Chung's cocaine will fall out of his pockets.
  3. Lot course not. And if anyone suggests it be done it should be clear that they are a danger to our country. Here is the flowchart: If a Democrat is being investigated, the process dictates all. Line 1 of the process is that all accusers must be democrats. If a Republican is being charged, all that matters is the charge, guilt must be assumed and it is definitely a constitutional crisis.
  4. For Pete's sake dude you started the Russian collusion thread three years ago with stuff like "the entire intelligence community agrees........".
  5. I never got the negativity on Jackson but it has turned 180 degrees. Beat Miami and Arizona and boom. All week he is getting mega hype. It's weird.
  6. Do you get alerts when someone criticizes the Pats so you can react so quickly?
  7. He is 10000000000 times better than Murray I agree but that stills leaves him below where he needs to be. He has been on board for more than a year.
  8. Make no mistake. I root for them and want them to win. I wish I could divest from my view but I simply don't see Botterill as a good GM. That is an opinion I'll grant you that. The opinion is derived from the bad product on the ice which is simply undeniable and not opinion based.
  9. 3 questions: How much patience should be required? When you're the worst team in all of sports over the last five years, should there be any urgency to accompany the patience? When is the draft lottery being held?
  10. Canadian military grade. Buy puts in Red Rider.
  11. WEO and Chris will explain why their Pats are right. Again.
  12. Their "solution" is the same to every "problem" and they think no one will notice.
  13. Never is a strong word. Would a Katy Perry concert sway you?
  14. Odd. His 0% polling numbers had tripled just this month.
  15. Isolation from the rest of the world separated the other groups to varying extents. These dweebs have an actual chance of holding the reins of power worldwide.
  16. Does anyone think Vrabel will start fiddling with his Talleywhacker in the second half?
  17. I heard an interview with some Canadian reporter and he was asked if he thought Canadians were stupid enough to buy Trudeau's BS.
  18. Thanks for the list. Based on the slate I'm hoping you can provide a list of channels that WILL NOT be showing these games. I think that would be a helpful reference.
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