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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. As long as they make it funny, we should let them into our homes to listen to everything we do.
  2. To be fair, pretty much all factual data of any type could be considered anti-liberal propaganda.
  3. Spoiler alert:. If Dudley Doright is one of the dots, connecting them will reveal a picture that has all the complexity of a glazed doughnut.
  4. It's not terrifying if you have the media behind you because you can do it 237658940991247 times until it works. If you don't have the media behind you it can still be done but never see the light of day.
  5. Is interstellar space defined as being outside the Oort Cloud?
  6. They are currently 3-0 which means the best you can possibly see them doing is 7-6 the rest of the way. There is no possible way they could pull off 8-5? The worst you see them is 5-8 the rest of the way......in other words you see them as possibly a 2-8 team when not playing the fish or skins? Really?
  7. Harris is a female Chuck Schumer. In your face 24/7 as the intellectual, moral and solutions authority. She is going to be around a long time whether she advances far in this race or not.
  8. Watched "The Keepers" on Netflix. It's about the death of a nun in Baltimore in 1969. There are bits and pieces that don't all fit together. As an investigation it was interesting but not the best thing I've ever seen. Almost by osmosis the humanity of quite a few people that were investigating and/or victims of one type or another came through loud and clear. From that perspective it was very much worth watching. Some things were depressing yet strangely uplifting at the same time. The strength of the human spirit is incredible.
  9. Why not. If the conclusions you jump to are a joke you can just jump to new ones next week. If you're investigating the investigators though you'll need a long time. Until the 12th.
  10. Maybe some worship the Earth. Most are garden variety commies looking for BS reason # 548765491 to control everything.
  11. The Genesis halftime show sucked and holy crap I can't imagine Phil Collins cosmetic surgery bills.
  12. Do the Redskins have anyone worth trading for? Because there will be people who want out.
  13. It's like he models himself after Pepper Brooks which simply can't be unfunny......but it's unfunny.
  14. So a lot better than the announcing crew? Because they need to get a lot better to be not good at all.
  15. Sam Darnold had a better day than Mayfield today and he was curled up in bed asleep for 21 hours.
  16. Although I agree with the OP, I'd like to say that IMO Brady deserves to take hits because he is a douche.
  17. If that punter was any good they could name him mullet mallet.
  18. I've gone from not knowing what to think about any of last year's 5 QBs to believing the negative narrative on Jackson to not really believing that but also not being that impressed with him dismantling three horrible defenses almost full circle to not being 100% about 4 of them but being 99% sure that Rosen blows. Mayfield - Good on quick hits, not too good elsewhere Darnold - If ever anyone deserved a grade of incomplete, they is him Allen - Love having him on the Bills, love his potential, some things need cleaning up....I think he will do it Rosen - So far so horrible and a douche to boot Jackson - Thought I liked him at first, didn't like what I saw last year, clearly improved this year but is being a bit overhyped. Heard someone say he and Mahomes will be battling it out for next 15 years. Because he beat the Fish and the Cards? Really?
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