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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I thought the worst was the spot after Brown's catch on 2nd and goal. He clearly got just inside the 1. Clearly. The ball was spotted just outside the 2.
  2. Never saw the actual hold but on the gif where Josh gets hit, you can see a flag fly behind him before he gets hit.
  3. This has probably been said but we got hooooooooooosed on the spot when John Brown clearly got to the 1 and next thing I see is third and goal from the 2+. That was awful.
  4. Haven't you heard that the trajectory is up? For the record I do agree that it is up. Mathematically it has to be since we have been the worst team over the last 5 years. Similarly St. Louis has a downward trajectory after winning the cup because there is nowhere to go but down. This GM is far better than the last but still somewhere between bad and horrible. You are right about the second line and goaltending. The goalies are better than what Murray trotted out there but they still aren't good enough. They've treated the improvement of the second line as if it were as difficult as solving world hunger.
  5. Maybe BB objected to his relationship with the masking agent King.
  6. I view Twitter as neither positive nor negative. I view it as inevitable. It's one of a long line of things that can have their positives and negatives argued: guns, nuclear energy/weapons, genetic engineering, combustion engine, and thousands upon thousands more. If something can be invented/marketed/used, it will be. Whining about it does nothing to change it. The real issue I see wrt to Twitter specifically is the deception behind it as being some sort of open format. It's not. It's just a company doing predictable things to bolster its bottom line and market share. It tries to keep competitors at bay. It gets to do this in unusual ways compared to older companies. The past two POTUS' have given them free advertising daily. Imagine if JFK always had a can of Coke while speaking. Would that hurt Pepsi or potential future Pepsis? Beverages are one thing but centralized messaging carries a lot more leverage.
  7. Queue? Are you some kind of foreigner? It's called a line in America.
  8. Wake up, grow up and shut up he says. I think the first two are optional.
  9. So who will be the second line center? Will we have a first a third and two fourth lines?
  10. Will they drop it if the culprit wants to kills babies and/or is Canadian?
  11. Amazon made boo koo $$$$$$$$ selling your wife's contact info to every divorce lawyer in town.
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