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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I'm a big fan of several of the people in it but couldn't get through the first two or three episodes. Did you find it slow to start and it got better?
  2. I can't say he is way off but he is trolling Dallas fans. SF is good but that seems high. I thought the funniest part was him mentioning the Colts are missing Kim Jung QB. Brisset can't win. Whatever he does, the narrative will always be that it would have been more.
  3. Illegal yes, corrupt.....really? The tickets have relatively nominal value. They probably would have gone unused. I do question the decision to attend, but not on moral grounds. I've been to a Nationals game. Less atmosphere than the moon.
  4. Beerboy farted within a 2 State radius. Big whoop.
  5. You left out how China's detainees are allowed to use whatever bathroom they'd like at the detention camp. Fascist.
  6. I don't think they ever really said it was Alexandria Va. It was a housing development called Alexandria. Who knows?
  7. It's one thing to acknowledge satellites would be falling and another to write into the show that of everywhere on Earth that the thing landed within walking distance and created just one fire. They had to cross Alpha's border because of a satellite crash? Maybe later in the season Daryll will have to waterski into Oceanside to rescue everyone and will be forced to jump over a shark.
  8. Everyone has bad games and one of the picks should have been a TD but woof. If I'm Cleveland I'm worried about Mayfield. And the run defense doesn't exactly look good. They got torn up last night and against the Titans. That is sure a cause for concern.
  9. There has been a long line of bad ones but McFarland has to be the worst so far. I still think there is a chance for him if he makes the Pepper Brooks act look intentional and ramps it up just a notch including clothing. That would be funny. The accidental Pepper Brooks is just sad after a while.
  10. All teams have bad games but geez. On the plus side, Baker's commercials are pretty funny.
  11. It's been at least 3 minutes since Pepper told us the name of #44 on the Niners. Can someone remind me?
  12. Pepper Brooks McFarland needs to say "Effin A Tessitore. Effin Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".
  13. And it lands right next door. In episode 2 Carol hits the Zombie Powerball.
  14. 1. I get it with thread location, you have a point but don't forget there has been loon talk about Niribu and Annunaki in that thread. 2. You may want to look up the word primordial.
  15. I don't think it will happen either, but Riveron deserves to have it happen.
  16. I'm not sure if you're tailgating early or you just aren't up to speed. I'll start from the beginning: 1. The center of galaxies are typically occupied by supermassive black holes. I don't think there is any debate here. This is totally and completely unrelated to the topic I mentioned. 2. There is currently a working theory about a distant planet within the bounds of our solar system. It's existence would explain gravitational anomalies seen in the orbits of Pluto, Neptune, and your anus. It has been dubbed planet 9. 3. Math suggests the possibility that planet 9 may actually be a black hole, and not a planet. The above three things are all facts but you obviously have an issue with one or more. Which? Why?
  17. Personally I'd prefer to tell the truth on my death bed but to each freezie pop's own.
  18. I agree. Although even Brady doesn't deserve a hit like that, Riveron now deserves to have Brady leveled with an identical hit. His response to it would be eye opening.
  19. Ok. Those two things are unrelated. By stating that not all black holes are in the middle of galaxies, one does not deny that there are indeed black holes in the middle of galaxies. What is your point; in your own words? My point is that there is a possibility that planet 9 is actually a black hole.
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