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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. This is like a tree falling in the woods. If there are two first round picks but Marrone makes them, will they really happen?
  2. If the roles of the teams were reversed the calls would not have gone that way in a trillionty billion years.
  3. Agreed but I probably should have stayed on topic. Sorry all.
  4. Up next on Sportscenter, LeBron apologizes to brutal commies for $$$$$$$$$$$
  5. The OL actually had his hands in defender's face.
  6. I have nothing against GB but this is dirty.
  7. Glamour boy teams get all the calls. And oh look a TD.
  8. I liked Joker. It was different in that there wasn't really all that much plot when it came right down to it. It was a deep dive into an individual and very well done. Phoenix was great. I thought I'd be comparing him to Ledger but I can't really. Phoenix's Joker was about society and outside forces shaping him. Ledger's Joker was about a more evolved Joker having judged the society and manipulating it. The Joker writers did a great job. You could see Ledger's Joker arising from Phoenix's or not. They made it independent but not totally removed. It's odd to me that a comic book villain could produce two of the better acting performances I can remember, but I thought Phoenix was great and years later the Ledger Joker still amazes me.
  9. The OP's a big fan of Fitz He fell for a red headed ditz She's from Cali like Rosen If to travel he'd chosen He'd have ended up chopped into bitz.
  10. Chiefs are the worst tacklers imaginable. They are going nowhere.
  11. Lol at these buffoons. It is pretty clear and in the public record that the "investigation" into collusion was rife with overt corruption yet here we are years later with zero having been done about it. I don't need a crystal ball or FISA warrant any more than I'd need one to say the Pats might get a beneficial call from the zebras.
  12. They've done exactly nothing. This group of attorneys reminds me of a quote from "There's Something About Mary". Quote: Exceptional my ass!
  13. 3rd and a half to goal instead of bogus ref spot on 2 after Brown's catch could have resulted in a TD easily.
  14. Bama is a good team but why must they be allowed to get away with constant blatant penalties? It's like watching New England.
  15. Looks like exstinktion would have been a better name.
  16. I don't know. I mean all the Colonel Sanders commercials are pretty bad, not just his. I thought George Costanza was even worse.
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