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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Are you saying if Kim Jung QB were still there that they would be 9-0 by now? If not, prepare to be put in your place. On a separate note I flipped to RZ only a few times and saw the Lions get screwed by the refs on three different calls. What the heck did they do to piss off the zebras this year?
  2. I was underwhelmed by most of the effort although the defense did well in Q4 when the game was still in doubt. I thought we looked unprepared and overconfident with few exceptions: White Gore in his usual reliable way Allen:. He didn't make any really silly plays and we really couldn't have afforded one. I hope we learned some sort of lesson.
  3. Honestly they should be embarrassed no matter how this ends. There really isn't an excuse for this.
  4. I have to concede this point as your Pats have clearly always been much more savvy on the latest communication methods like Fieldtime and WhatsApp Helmet edition.
  5. That little dude really is something else.
  6. You would say that. I would say that. Many would say that. Adam Gase would say "I am the head coach and I can do what I want.".
  7. For Bama they are a buffer zone to ensure playoff in the case of a bad game.
  8. Lol. Ranked #1 despite two time defending champ that has continuously b slapped Bama being undefeated? Sure. No bias.
  9. It's just awful that your boy had to be mocked in two threads. TWO
  10. No but I can see where it would be something good to whine about in a 4-1 season.
  11. Dead Angle is one of the crappiest TV shows ever made but the tattoo chick looks hot sometimes
  12. Isn't he the guy they tried to entice with female pleasures?
  13. In terms of getting to the bottom of this Trump and all of these pseudo heroes like Horowitz and Huber have done exactly nothing and the big news is always just around the corner. Whether they are in on it or they are being stifled doesn't matter. It's.............never..........happening.
  14. It's been a looming humdinger since the beginning of time. All will be revealed on the 12th. Don't ignore Occum's Shaver when it tells you it will reveal none of the underlying truth in any definitive way. We've seen what we're going to see already. There has been more than enough time for all of these "reports" to have been completed but nothing is complete. It's............never........happening.
  15. Do they have any idea how much money LeBron James lost because they called that wolf Tibetan? They should think about others before lauding photographers.
  16. Dude you said it was the losing they did to get Eichel. Own it. And ROR did play great for the Blues, there is no denying that. There is also no denying that Murray spent a lot of resources on him and he was crap with a pouty face for the Sabres. That is on Murray.
  17. I saw a video from some science chick saying that if space was all the oceans on Earth, we've looked at basically a hot tub full of water in our searches. Is that basically what you're saying?
  18. The reason was Murray. The losing to get Eichel was done before ROR arrived so you're wrong about that.
  19. 1. I'm sorry if you thought I was calling people in this thread loons because I wasn't. I was calling the guy that got dumped by NASA a loon based on his loony Martian dirt stuff 40 years later. I don't consider you or anyone else In this thread a loon.....just employing wishful thinking instead of logic. 2. I'm not ignorant. Ignorance requires ignoring available facts. Available facts are definitely being ignored but not by me. 3. Despite the silly stuff about aliens, there is a lot of cool information about military advances, exoplanets and space discoveries in general here so I find it interesting. 4. The missing information for you is exposed in your first sentence above about "coming out overnight". You just haven't been able to grasp how much data has been analyzed and the implication of that analysis. Math is indeed gonna math and it's been mathing all along.
  20. If the prize were Gretzky instead of Eichel and Murray didn't change anything else he'd done, he'd still be gone. He may have been the worst GM in the history of pro sports. He turned all of those resources into useless drafted players, a bad goalie, wasted time, a drunk Canadian donut store killer with motivation issues, bad coaching, and multiple years of ineptitude all while being a complete douche. That is not a resume that keeps jobs. The Sabres weren't doing any better than 10th from the bottom if they tried their damndest anyway. Pinning the results since on the fact that Eichel isn't Michael Jordan is inaccurate.
  21. And yet there still haven't been any updates other than: Billions upon billions of radio signals from space analyzed yielding zip Thousands of inhospitable exoplanets discovered which is awesome stuff but off this topic or at least not supportive Hundreds of articles from "papers" like the Mirror and the Sun proven goofy, false, military or natural Scores of discredited scientific loons claiming life elsewhere has been "proven" in this solar system which even if true is not relevant to this thread. See the Martian dirt link a few posts up. Multiple people twisting and filtering the above information and more to grasp at straws that aren't there. Whether anyone likes it or not.........math gonna math.
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