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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. One state farthe north than we thought. If he makes that move three more times then we're in business.
  2. It sounds like a conspiracy. You should have someone look into it. I hear that Russia also got a Facebook page.
  3. Started scrolling Found out Willie Nelson is better at singing than the Everly Brothers Stopped scrolling
  4. You are correct to note that this is not a look of disdain as it has been categorized. In her head, the brunette was singing "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak, and this was decades before it was even written. Greggy, please tell me your didn't use any of your woefully inaccurate expression analysis in the deep state thread. Also, please apologize to your lady friend. Just say you're sorry and when she asks "for what?" Just roll your eyes and shrug your shoulders. She'll know. Schiff obviously never saw "Die Hard" or he wouldn't have fallen for the old "Adam....buuby......I can tell you everything" routine.
  5. I just don't see any way but if I had to pkay along I see only 4 possibilities, all of them remote: Bears- they have a team and a need but I don't see what is in it for him....no connection there. Maybe the Rodgers in the division challenge? Raiders - I don't think the team is good enough but a brand new city brings lots of marketing opportunities Denver - Meh. Barely makes the already iffy list SF - only in some weird trade scenario with Jimmy back in NE
  6. To paraphrase Thornton Mellon: "Oh you left out a lot of stuff".
  7. Lol how is climate change a big issue in Canada? If it turned off all emissions and agreed everyone would freeze to death by July would it even move the needle on global emissions? Carbon taxes are a joke even in a real economy like the US because they really do nothing except concentrate power with idiots. Once these idiots have all the power they will use it for themselves, stifle any technological advances and eliminate the chances for viable green energy. Doing something like that in Canada is about the most pointless thing I've ever heard.
  8. They've known all of this for multiple years. A lot of it is in the public domain. They've done nothing with it and will do nothing. "Something significant" is big enough and vague enough for this whole charade. And it's a charade.
  9. The sun'll come out tomorrow, so you gotta hang on till tomorrow.....I love ya tomorrow, you're always a day away.
  10. They get guys like Marshall Newhouse and end up with an impenetrable line every year.
  11. Scherzer vs. Cole 3 times? Verlander vs. Strassburg twice? Greinke vs. Corbin twice? That sounds pretty good if you ask me.
  12. Hyde's TD was indeed garbage time. Up until the onside kick the Bills covered, onside kicks had been recovered at a 0% clip in the NFL this year. There was one later in the day when the receiving team made an egregious error. Danny Crossman is the Dolphins special teams coach. Garbage time. Are you maintaining the drive the Dolphins put together at the end didn't have flukes? Are you saying the Bills didn't at least get it to the point where kneel downs would have finished things? Yes I could have done without Fitz's miracle escape and run but it happened.
  13. On your first point I agree that we were not a top 5 defense this week. On the second: The entire time they had the ball all the Bills needed to have happen was for the clock to get under 2 minutes to mean recovering an onside kick sealed the game. The Bills achieved getting the click under 2 min. There were not over 2 minutes to play. Miami scored on a fluke play after converting a 4th on another fluke play. It was garbage time.
  14. Please be sure to not be specific about your original point so that it can't be refuted. It seemed you were saying that one bad game showed more than 5 good games. But of course that couldn't be it. I'm not sure what you're saying but I'm sure you're right. The Dolphins had three good drives today. Two resulted in TDs and one they botched, creating a pick on what should have been a score. They added a garbage time drive for another TD. That isn't the best look for the Bills D but it is hardly some sort of definition of the season.
  15. I asked if a top 5 defense had ever had a bad game. That is a simple question. You answered it with a question that added in parameters. Your effort to define the discussion in a negative way is completely dishonest as usual. I asked if a top 5 defense had ever had a bad game. Your response, knowing of course that top 5 defenses have indeed had bad games, was an effort to say it was impossible for a top 5 defense to have a game as bad as the Bills had today. That's a joke so I decided not to look up every box score in NFL history.
  16. Of course top 5 defenses have had bad games. When I asked you changed the parameters to whether there was ever a bad game against a team with a giant headed bearded QB who hadn't scored much so far this year. The fact is that in an effort to be negative, you will twist and turn anything you can. Your team has won 6 Super Bowls but you are still very insecure. Today's game is not how I would have chosen but it is far from some sort of weird proof that the Bills D is a mirage. That's just a weird take. Do they need to do better than they did today? Sure. I'm not about to look up every game result from the last 100 years to match some weird criteria. I've seen: Hall of Fame pitchers lit up and pulled in the first inning. Ozzie Smith make a bad throw Great offenses shut out and nearly shut out Great kickers miss chip shots and on and on In reality, there are very few examples of teams, units or individual achieving a full season with no hiccups.
  17. You're right. A good team or unit has never had a bad game. Today's game is absolute proof that the Bills defense is horrible. Well either that or you've simply chosen to be negative about the Bills at every opportunity. I think I'll go with Occum's Shaver on this.
  18. .??? I will grant you that the Dolphins are worsethan the 2010 Browns but the Bills won the game. The Browns indeed won 34-14 in Foxboro. That was not some sort of sign that the Pats were a mirage. Good teams and good units indeed have bad games.
  19. 9 years ago your boys got spanked at home by a bad Brown's team.
  20. Supposedly Bills at Vikings. Be sure to add more weird parameters to maintain negativity.
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