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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I can tell by that guy's name that he will bust.
  2. The name of this thread made me laugh because Beerboy used to get mad when my hamster Sammy would hide his chaps.
  3. It's really not important but I found it intersting that Cordy Glenn's kidney is gay.
  4. Dude. They're twins. Gross. I have no idea. Asked Chandler. He knows all about it. I just found out. Edit:. bandit knows, not Chandler
  5. I don't know. I literally just found out in this thread that it's gay. Some people knew for a long time so ask them. I wonder if this causes issues with the other kidney.
  6. Releasing the video, if it exists, of Baghdadi whimpering and crying before exploding himself would be met with criticism because of the children and their plight was indeed sad. It would however show the world that this punk, built up as some sort of religious hero, was a sniveling coward. He is dead and a video would kill any martyrdom.
  7. Is that the dog whisperer guy? Funny story. He tried a pilot program with hamster treats. Sammy friggin hated them.
  8. I went to a Nats game once. I commented on here that it had less atmosphere than the moon. The reason was that the stadium was filled with vacuous dolts who fancy themselves superior intellects. I should have figured that out before last night.
  9. The guy in the preview with Negan is the guy that has been guarding him while Negan picks tomatoes. I'm guessing that he wants to kill Negan and also guessing that won't go well.
  10. Season ending for Watt likely equals job ending for O'Brien.
  11. If the guy was wearing a pretty scarf he might have been Cam Newton.
  12. To each his own dude but . And you don't have to tell us everything. Get a room.
  13. Th US government having no knowledge of aliens does not disprove aliens. It is just another data point in the multitude that all trend in that direction. There hasn't been a single data point indicating intelligent alien life ever discovered. Snowden's revelation is interesting but not surprising. To be fair, it wouldn't be safe to simply assume he is a reliable source. Personally I assume this detail is true because it lines up with every other detail available since the beginning of time, but I can see why someone might be reluctant to take Snowden at his word. I enjoy reading about the discovery of these planets even if it is a bit scary for future generations. At some point we may discover a viable target and our technology should evolve. Whether it is realistic to ever have a human payload traveling that far is still a question, but it will be answered in time. The universe is likely 100% ours, but it may turn out that we are locked in our little room called Earth. Even then, we would find fascinating ways to expand and explore from afar.
  14. In a close game, no ref throws a flag on the Pats there. In a blowout it helps even out their stats.
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