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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. 1. Because it is amusing for everyone else to watch. Got anything else?
  2. They mocked him for sucking and implied he's gone psychotic. The guy doesn't even have a job. That's a little mean.
  3. Fox pregame did a skit about Cody Parkey that was downright mean.
  4. Minshew passed for over300. We've been clamoring for that right?
  5. I am against genocide completely and totally but I am curious as to why you put the "French" qualifier in there.
  6. I bet Nadia Comaneci has something to do with it. She never looked trustworthy.
  7. Are you honestly trying to assert that Joe Biden has only recently become an idiot?
  8. To think just a few short years ago he couldn't even properly oversee the automation of a deflation operation and this caused an interrogation sensation that swept the nation and led to draft pick incarceration.
  9. I have no opinion on Gordon but am curious to know how long it would take a player to clear waivers with 31 teams. A few days? In other words, when would he be officially a free agent?
  10. Interestingly, the new thread title: "Whistleblower has been backed up by multiple witnesses" Is also the title to the sequel for"The Human Centipede." Coincidence?
  11. Getting a Facebook page about Jesus arm wrestling satan isn't an act of war. How about just Australia? I always hated Franz Klammer. Overrated.
  12. Schiff is not trying to save his own ass. He is trying to control your ass and everyone else's ass. And although individual maneuvers fail at times, his overall plan is working. Meanwhile obvious victims like Flynn receive no relief because lazy doormats like Horowitz and company cannot do anything until.....well.....the 12th.
  13. In reality, despite being completely dishonest and nonsensical, the Schiffs of the world are willing to act. Even if they are just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks, they are at least moving their arms. Huber, Horowitz, Durham, et al are still contemplating their navels while thinking about deciding if it might be a good idea to consider removing their thumbs from their butts in about a year or two. They are different sides of the same coin. One is thrashing about in an effort to grab more power, the other is faking as if they're doing something to protect truth and freedom. One takes power from the citizenry while the other's inaction implies legitimacy to the power grab.
  14. I have no idea whether to believe the official story of the Epstein death but self serving Michael Baden publicity stunt number 5,936,722 isn't a reason to doubt it. Jerry Springer, PT Barnum, Madonna, TO and many many others are envious of this guy's skill.
  15. Chicks cutting people in pieces happens in Syrian prison camps and San Diego. If you are invited on Skype to either place, don't go.
  16. I didn't but I just looked it up. IMO it's fine but while they were changing it shouldn't they have run the whole thing through a spell checker?
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