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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Read the whole thing. . Translation: Beardy guy is just another joker in a long line. No guarantee that anything will be done before an election that is a YEAR away? I've got news for you Beardy, if that election goes to a dem, it won't take them a year to shut down your investigation. It'll be FAR faster than Goodell burning the Cheatriots tapes. One thing is sort of right in the last paragraph. His whole life has prepared him for this "moment". Like many others, he appears adept at turning a moment into a year, and doing nothing except building plausible excuses for why he didn't do anything. In no endeavor other than government could something so systemically important have an infinite timeline for resolution. In the real world, he would be fired for needing a year to do anything. Boiled down, his task is relatively straightforward and in theory, although probably a lie, he has limitless resources. Like Horowitz, he has no intention of doing anything ever.
  2. This GM has done some positive things but signing Hutton was not some epiphany. He was one of just a few free agent options and he is basically average although when he is on he really helps the team. Replacing Lehner was going to look good even if he signed Louie Anderson to play goalie. The frustrating part about Botts is his willingness to golf his days away while waiting 1000 years for success. It won't work. Eichel will be turning 52 in year one of Botts "get the 8 seed plan". Player development has to be called into question at this point. Nylander, utterly worthless for years in the Sabres system, is a viable NHL player 10 minutes after moving to Chicago and we have a 19 year old phenom that is.......regressing? Not a good look. The coach has been a positive for sure so good on Botts for hiring him but he can't keep giving him chicken **** and ask for chicken salad.
  3. When? Never mind. I know when. Having a Philip Barbay outlook on the world doesn't change the world dude. Like David Bowie said...."same as it ever was.....same as it ever was".
  4. Lol. Huber, Horowitz and the new beardy guy get attention too. Like with them, absolutely nothing will happen with this until the 12th.
  5. So maybe not a hot tub, maybe a thimble's worth?
  6. I'm up to 37 since reading your post but I don't think I can keep up the pace. Until January? No way. How many twinkles does a hamster have to eat to simulate 100 for a person? Maybe Sammy can do this. What is this supposed to prove anyway?
  7. Hey we can rely on different things to draw conclusions. I was just trying to bring some math into the process and avoid emotions. If you want to use 100% emotion and funny memes, that can be you. I'll stick with facts. I'm fine with "you doing you". You might want to call it "feeling what you feel" instead of "thinking what you think" but maybe I'm splitting heirs.
  8. I haven't watched yet but I knew Lee Smith was up to something with all his pre-snap penalties. But a coup? Is he looking to take over for McD or Pegula? Are all the tight ends in on it? Croom must be. I'll watch later.
  9. There is a video out there of him with the Dolphins in this exact position. The video actually zooms in and he isn't writing anything at all. He's just faking writing.
  10. That guy was pretty skinny and Gamma has a big noggin. I'm not sure how elastic those things are. It might look like Eric with a facelift and Aaron doesn't seem to go for the phony types who would get a facelift. The same goes for Alpha and Beta. I wonder if this is a pre-req.. Gamma's sister wasn't bad......then they killed her.
  11. I can see why @Patrick_Duffy doesn't want to answer this, but it also leads me to think that he knows the answer and doesn't like it. Congrats Pat, you're coming around. Almost there.
  12. He was crawling through sewers with Maggie who was rolling around writhing with dead guys. If that didn't do it for him, a stationary mask isn't going to do it. Granted, Gamma is more attractive with mask than sans mask, but still....not enough.
  13. Lol Alpha wants Gamma to lure Aaron with her feminine wiles. If Maggie couldn't do it, Gamma can't. Throw in the skin mask and odds get even lower.
  14. Gene Hackman was President? Dude, that was a movie.
  15. If you rearranged the words in that post it is possible you could be banned for vulgarity.
  16. Allen does great running and is among the top escape artists I've seen for sure, but Jackson has some crazy skills in that regard. Tyrod was also amazing at getting out of impossible spots but didn't do nearly enough else.
  17. Over the top of the upright = good unless you are playing you know who.
  18. Make no mistake. This is only happening because I'm playing against Mark Ingram in fantasy football.
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