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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Has anyone asked Biden in an interview about the corruption he wanted ceased?
  2. Impatient LOL. What about Botts tells you that this offseason will be the one where he adds talent? In a race with a sloth and a snail Botts would get the bronze.
  3. They have all the help they will need. There are going to be teams that lose. If a one loss team wins the Big 10..... No Big 10. I could even see them putting in Bama over an undefeated Minny if that came to pass. Bama will be I the playoff if they finish with one loss....and they aren't out of it with two, but that might not fly.
  4. Question: What was the nature of corruption displayed by the "corrupt prosecutor" Biden had fired. Don't get me wrong, I know the guy is Eastern European thus probably corrupt, but I find it odd that months into this no specifics have been given. Maybe I missed them.
  5. Bama is already in if they don't lose another game. Don't even try to convince yourself otherwise. If they lose a second game.....and I think they have Middle Tennessee State coming up.....they might not make it. With one loss, there are excuses aplenty.
  6. They would have technology that rapidly does that.
  7. If aliens were to exist and try to visit Earth, you have made potentially valid points, but only covered some of these points. If they are advanced enough to travel the distances involved, they have likely conquered all disease and have the ability to detect and dispatch threats very quickly. Could they adapt to what must be different gravity, pressure, seasonal cycles, atmosphere and on and on? I'd think yes, because as complex as all of the above are, the distance issue is still probably tougher. Look at all the things we'd have to do to travel beyond our system carrying a human payload. If it isn't impossible, which it very well may be, it is excruciatingly tough and frankly, likely not worth it. We could transport future generations with techno guardians so much more easily. For the generations already born, I could see a space faring craft that is a permanent dwelling but not really going anywhere except away from danger. Aliens if they existed, which they demonstrably don't, would have the same issues. Von Neumann probes, controlled by AI and carrying DNA codes would already be here if they were ever coming. They aren't. Anything carrying a living being would likely be way after that.
  8. LOL. I'm pretty sure they will be in the playoff.
  9. I saw something on the scroll at the bottom of ESPN that Jets management wants to be patient. I didn't look up the article but LOL.
  10. Even longer period of mediocrity? A. Longer than what? The decade we've already logged? B. Sadly mediocre would be a giant step up from where the Sabres have been. Whatever they're doing hasn't worked with or without Eichel. I'm not saying he has to go but am saying we don't have the luxury of taking options off the table. Dahlin is the obvious exception. Your last paragraph discusses talent. It is the GM's job to put talent on the ice. The previous GM had a glorious opportunity and failed while calling everyone else stupid. This guy was not dealt the same hand but it wasn't a bad one either. You state that a team needs elite talent and role players but he has gone after role players and marginal talent. Rochester wins, but very few guys look NHL ready. Nylander took 100 years and sucked. They traded him, at least getting a decent player in return, and he immediately looks viable in Chicago. Dahlin isn't as good at 19 as he was at 18. How often does that happen? We have two decent backup goalies and no starter. This is all on the GM and none of it has improved.
  11. What a joke. The good news for him is that the NCAA has a record of rethinking punishments. Well in child rape cases that went on for years and years anyway. Who knows when it comes to an obvious future millionaire getting a loan or a kid selling an autograph. That stuff is on a different level.
  12. I still view the coach in a positive light. I'd say internally let him assess the needs and communicate them. Maybe time to re-set again? Some really big trades, like even Eichel? His career is clearly being wasted,maybe some of that is on him, and he would return a king's ransom. This GM shows zero urgency unless there is traffic before tee time so if I'm Pegula I wait.....again....dump the GM .1 seconds after the season ends and get someone that is connected with Krueger. Ideally that would be done now but it seems unrealistic.
  13. It'll take 15 more years and this doofus will understand sitcom math.
  14. Did they have a song called All Mixed Up or was that someone else? That was a good song but you don't hear it much.
  15. Botts' sense of urgency starting to reap it's predictable dividends. On a positive note I hear he cut three strokes off his handicap this summer.
  16. All you have to do to nail Trump on that is change the definition of the words value and personal. That shouldn't be too hard.
  17. Perhaps you should start a shape shifting thread. PPP or OTW? That is up to you.
  18. Good ole professor Kookoo keeping his name out there. Exoplanets? Really? Why must he leave out so many pertinent data points?
  19. Well if you don't know the answer how is anyone else going to know?
  20. It's what this thread laid by existing.
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