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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. It'll all be clear on the 12th. That was a very rude name on the first one and I'm sure glad you type poorly.
  2. Not disarray.......apathy. Not spiraling toward a catastrophe. Already a catastrophe for a decade. Where is the franchise heading? Botts has done zero to add scoring and people are painting Cozens as the solution. Come on. He is an 18 year kid who projects well. Waiting two+ years for him to be NHL ready so we can maybe have a second line capable of scoring a goal a month is not a strategy. Blow up the roster? Who knows? Give enough of a crap to actually improve it? Yes. Botts has proven he is not the man for that job. The games are not even watchable many nights. You say this team will "compete for a playoff spot" this year. Where will the scoring necessary for that come from? Mittlestadt? If Eichel got hurt the Sabres would instantly, once again, be the worst team in the league. There is simply no excuse for that in the fifth year of his career. Yes, a lot of it is on Murray and at least Botts isn't a jerk, but he has been God awful at his job. IYHO what makes Eichel immune from wanting out? ROR wanted out. Risto wants out. Human nature is to try hard but the NHL is NASCAR and Botts keeps surrounding Eichel with VW vans from the Woodstck era. That will eventually wear on even the strongest convictions. The Sabres need to seek out a high end GM with recognized credibility.
  3. Does that article say anything about how it is normal that the 2nd year is a regression? Doubt it.
  4. I heard that and immediately convinced myself that I hadn't.
  5. I don't claim to know all the X's and O's when it comes to hockey but I have a basic understanding of human nature and I can usually tell when someone is bad at their job. I'll start with the good:. I think Krueger is good at his job. He schemed us and motivated us into a good start to the season. Schemes get figured out and motivation waxes and wanes when applied to people who are overmatched. Given the right ingredients, it appears to me Krueger could be a guy that wins consistently. But: The lazy Jason Botterill is currently supplying the ingredients. I understand that patience is needed in developing a team but urgency is also required. Botts clearly lacks any urgency whatsoever. An example is Kyle Okposo. He seems like a genuinely good person and once was a good hockey player. I wish him 100000% the best with is current unfortunate injury. With that said, can anyone honestly say that a GM that cared about winning would have left him on a roster this long? None of this is on Okposo, he is working for his family and I don't see a lack of effort.....just ability. It's on the GM. There are also younger players that are simply not living up to where they were picked or not developing at a reasonable pace. One of them is a SECOND line center. In addition, it is beginning to look possible that we are ruining the best defensive prospect in multiple generations. I think his talent will ultimately turn things around, but the fact that this is even a possibility is inexcusable. All of the above is bad enough but Botts' lack of grasp on reality is likely to leave him flat footed when: Human nature ultimately kicks in and Eichel asks out. This could happen sooner than we thought and once it does, it will be too late. How long should Eichel have to wait? Fans are one thing and they deserve to be frustrated. Eichel goes into work every day and on none of them, in all of this time, has he had the luxury of knowing things are moving in the right direction. This type of thing wears on people. Can anyone name one thing Botterill has done that would instill confidence in a player like Jack that a Stanley Cup winning organization is a realistic possibility during his career? He has got a long time left but he has also been here a long time already and currently Seattle looks like they are in a stronger position than Buffalo, and they literally do not exist. Botts has to go. I hope they retain Krueger, but Botts has to go.
  6. I think Edwards-Helaire would make a nice long term combo with Singletary. Where is he expected to go? 4th?
  7. Edelman purposely trying to roid rage break that dude's neck.
  8. Does any ref in the league give that to any other team ever?
  9. I think they will have 8 teams from the conference with the lesser overall record and 6 teams from the conference with the better record. This is the fairest way to do it. Personally though I think they should leave it at 12 teams.
  10. Based on what I read yesterday the is actually good. I had seen a lot of speculation about no hope of ever playing. At least this gives a glimmer.
  11. Wow this is very sad. I hope he can come back, for whichever NFL team takes him. An article I just read did not sound optimistic at all and even mentioned hip replacement being realistic. Sorry no link but it was the Washington Post. It's sad to see a kid that has worked so hard have this kind of circumstance.
  12. Along the same line, why did the Steelers bother calling a play down 14, 80 yards away with 14 seconds left?
  13. I didn't say he "did nothing", I said he "accomplished nothing. I guess that was unfair because I heard he beat minesweeper three times in a row.
  14. So he basically accomplished nothing. My best guess is that as the 12th approaches, Durham passes the reins to Jason Botterill who has a long track record of feckless endeavors.
  15. He tweeted while she was testifying so she wouldn't have been intimidated unless Schiffhead read it to her. That makes him an accessory.
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