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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Hillary "Haitis" global oligarchs right back. At least the ones she competes with.
  2. Lol the meeting happened and the money went but the investigation didn't happen and now you think that is because Trump heard a rumor. That's quite a high standard of proof. Should we apply the same standards to Hunter?
  3. Aid received Meeting took place at another venue No investigation took place At this point is it really down to appointments being QPQ? It doesn't even need to be money? What was going to happen at this magic meeting that didn't happen at the non-magic meeting?
  4. It's all part of the 23.5 year plan. Lol he has a plan and the centerpiece is Eichel's future grandson. Be patient.
  5. I would disagree. Murray possibly actively sabotaged the team because Uncle Bwyan was mad at Lindy Ruff. He was also a gigantic douche and obnoxious and arrogant 100% of the time. Botts was saddled with Murray's mess. Yes, he has been inept in seemingly signing mainly bad players like Sheary and Vesey, and he has been a doofus with his dumb reasons for not trying usually explained in interviews from golf courses, and yes his big plan is to wait for Dylan Cozens to develop in 2025 but he is courteous and polite. That alone puts him ahead of Murray.
  6. I think both count as do both Colts/Tenn games. It doesn't really matter because it doesn't get to common opponents until after the conference record tiebreaker is over. We are 2-1 with Dallas still pending. The Colts are 1-0 having beaten Atl. They still play NO, TB, and CAR. If we beat Dallas and Indy loses to NO and TB but beats CAR for example, then the common opponents thing kicks in. If we were to lose at Dallas, Indy would have to lose all 3 to beat us in the tiebreaker or lose 2 to tie us. Winning all three would screw them.
  7. Looking back on last night now it seems even worse. Eichel showed some fire and according to Montour, it had no impact and got no response on the bench. Montour came off as a bit of a douche in his interview as he called out everyone except himself and then slyly added "including myself" almost as if he just remembered he had to say that. Maybe the team needs a bit of a douche calling them out. Eichel's interview was one in which he said all the right things and it felt like he meant it100%. The look on his face at times though was one of someone utterly defeated and hopeless. It's not a good place but it does present an opportunity. Someone, likely Pegula, needs to take him aside and tell him that he is owed more and that it will be delivered. Botterill's interview earlier in the day embodied the words clueless and pathetic in equal parts. Neither he nor anyone else is fixing this in 2019-20. He has shown no signs whatsoever that given 1000 years, that he could ever assemble a championship team. Vesey and Sheary are players he selected to man portions of lines 1 and 2. Wrap your head around that if you can. So.....if I were Pegula I would fire Botterill this morning. I'd call in Krueger and tell him we want him to stay. I'd call in Eichel and apologize for hiring Botterill to replace the disastrous Murray. I'd ask Krueger to help identify a GM target a la McD/Beane and I'd ask Eichel to be 100% frank about which players are either simply not good enough to play in the NHL or that are harming the team with attitude. The plan then would be to jettison them gradually and get something back when possible, but there would be a list and eventually not one player on it would be a Sabre. I don't view that as a complete tear down because losing players that drag down the team with inability, attitude or both is addition by subtraction. Get back what you can and add in the offseason. Lastly, someone needs to get to the bottom of why guys like ROR, Risto, and seemingly Eichel looming want out. It's epidemic and a repeating cycle. Even Montour, who just got here,was dropping hints in his interview. Why do none of these guys feel as if they can stay and be part of the solution? Actually maybe that analysis needs to be done first or at least right after Botts is cut loose.
  8. On a positive note you can get +469863920 on the money line against Boston Thursday.
  9. You mean the suspense whether Sheary ever scores a goal again won't be enough for people spring for tickets?
  10. Just watched Botts interview. That was a stupid thing to do. He basically said he'd like to get a forward but likes having a lot of D. The primary theme was whining about the salary cap. Remind me again if cap management is under the GM's role. I get that Murray was likely literally the worst GM in the history of professional sports, but he has been gone for a while and we have a horrible team that is bumping against the cap. Look at all the strong teams around the league and the Sabres have a cap problem that hasn't been fixed? For the love of God. If I had a theory that the Sabres were being sabotaged by Murray and Botts and they only drafted Eichel and Dahlin because if they didn't the sabotage would be obvious .....is there one thing they've done that is evidence against this theory? I say at the end of the year when they are out of it....mid February or so....go full Veeck and start Tre White in goal at a home game.
  11. Look at it this way: Being down 3-0 at home to a doormat means that no matter what comes next, the trajectory is up. Does Eichel's inevitable trade request come at 9:30?
  12. It was also the name of Greggy's band in High School. He'll tell you he was the keyboardist but mostly he just played the organ.
  13. So, no then? Drake's equation still ends in "=0"? Fermi still has a paradox?
  14. You should progress from year 1 to year 2, not regress. If he had more struggles in 18-19 and was making some progress in 19-20 looking like his current self, it is one thing. Going backwards is the hallmark of poor leadership. I get that regression happens. See: Levi Wallace. But nobody ever claimed Wallace was the best prospect in a generation.
  15. Be patient. Cozens should be ready by 2025-26. Plus, the indoor golf machine at Dave and Buster's is really cool but there isn't a good signal while you're in there.
  16. If you were going for the most racist screen cap award you missed by one pair of chopsticks. Can you explain something about the left? They seem paranoid about Russia/China but on every domestic policy they advocate moving toward, not away from, that form of centralized government control. How does that reconcile?
  17. Mexican group named "Hash" singing the anthem does little to dispel the notion of cartels running everything.
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