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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. So that second statement in your post means everything that moron says has morphed from the usual overblown hyperbole to undoubtedly true? Dude that guy has been a joke for decades.
  2. This thread makes me sad because it reminds me of my second cousin. His name was Calloway and he died when he'd barely turned two. It was peanut butter and jelly that did it. The help? She didn't know what to do. She just stood there and watched him turn blue.
  3. *Physical intimidation as reported by Jerry Sullivan, who didn't witness it and likened it to East Germany. Note that Jerry Sullivan once screamed in horror when a monarch butterfly landed on his microphone. Note that I did not witness this but believe it to be true.
  4. Is there an over/under on how many games before the Sabres actually score a goal when Eichel is not on the ice? It's been 4+ games since this wonderful roster assembled by the genius golfer gas scored a single goal in that manner. Eichel has scored all but three of those goals, he assisted on two of those and was on the ice for the other.
  5. All of this requires belief in what Jerry Sullivan was 100% accurate and not exaggerated in any way. Shirley.
  6. A couple things: 1. Based on his post Nextmanup clearly saw it. 2. It is debatable whether Classy Freddie Blassy is more successful/famous than McDermott and also whether your report that Kamala wasn't actually found in the jungles of the Amazon was correct.
  7. Also: Botterill's idiotic Vesey move was not caused by hockey idiocy, just too much golf.
  8. This whole thing is confusing but a tried and true method makes what Barr said likely 100% spot on: Michael Baden is a completely self serving douche who stirs the pot for $$$$$$$
  9. Not Tulsi. Two Russian agents is beyond the pail.
  10. Weatern Carolina? Shirley you can't be serious. It's a fake State. Is it a real school?
  11. There wasn't really a UFO found on the ocean floor.
  12. It's not a wall, it's a ring and Johnny Cash already told you.
  13. Gross dude but it's a free country. At least clean up when you're done.
  14. Signings aren't good or bad when they happen; they are dependent on results. Okposo was certainly not an excellent signing. I get that one was Murray. The Vesey move was just dumb as well as Sheary. Add in the commitment to Mittestadt, Erod, and some others and no GM in his right mind would think he had a viable team. Jimmy friggin Vesey is skating on the first line. For the love of God what is that?
  15. Kroft would be K Gun but I don't think it should be stolen straight up. It needs to be at least a little modified so name it after Knox and call it the "Silent K Gun".
  16. It's late November. Kim Jung QB would have already won the Super Bowl and we'd be looking forward to free agency.
  17. No he was client 9. Some other guy beat up his girlfriend and supposedly others and had to quit. It was more recent. Looking it up......Schneiderman.
  18. She predicted that you'd call her an idiot. She really didn't need to spend $200k for that, did she?
  19. Wow first goal in 4 games without Eichel scoring or assisting. Maybe next they can score one when he isn't on the ice. Effort appears to be there tonight.
  20. Was a year specified? LOL he just has to get more of that yummy lasagna. He saves some for later in his dumb beard and he just ran out.
  21. When did this whole red/blue thing happen? 20-30 years ago? And why weren't the Dems assigned red? Too obvious?
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