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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Both goalies are above average NHL backups. Botts plan is to wait 7 years for the kid with the 84 letter last name develop. That should make us ready to contend for the 8 seed 5 years after that. In the mean time we can watch Eichel's career waste away. If you can convince yourself that pickups like Vesey and Sheary are part of a solution to anything, the goaltender situation is very easy by comparison.
  2. The "good" movie you listed ended with Randy Quaid flying up an aliens butt.
  3. I think she'll be back with weapons for a last hurrah and then take the kids to look for Rick. I do think the new show, the last 2 seasons of the main show, the movies and fear will all be looking at the three ring group from different angles which will culminate in the last movie. People in the last movie will be: Rick. All 3 movies Michonne all 3 Their kids all 3 Carol last movie only Darryl last movie only Some people from the new show 2 and 3 Maybe Maggie ? Morgan 3 maybe the end of 2 Alicia same Daniel same Althea same Dwight same Sherry same Negan 2 and 3 I think Jadis will die at the end of the first movie
  4. What if one of them brought you to a Katy Perry concert?
  5. Pot eliminates the need for chemical laden toothpaste which has been pushed by big pharma. Pot prevents cavities because cavities are a disease.
  6. There is a reason you come here but I don't think that's it. I think it's because you're a commie.
  7. The bolded part was sadly obvious from the beginning and Beardy McGee isn't going to do anything either. The bureaucrats, deep state, or whatever name you assign have won, and have been in charge for decades. Trump and the exposure of their methods are both short term blips to be extinguished. There are other sources of concern about exposure because many of the people hiding things are dumb people who consider themselves brilliant. Whatever is exposed though can be spun into something different or swept back under the rug. It's being done now, in plain sight. Soon it will be back to being done in secret and the cycle will repeat itself at some point. That people can celebrate it is the ONLY thing about this that surprises me.
  8. Completely unrelated to the thread and defensive about the Patriots. What a shock.
  9. I don't know but it sounds like Brady has turned to stone.
  10. Clearly the whole story wasn't told there and yes she handled it in a passive aggressive manner with her press release. With that said it sure reads like he had cheated on her, probably as a repeat offender, and she snapped. She ends up doing to the truck what she wanted to do to him. She slapped him, beat the crap out of the car, got charged with abuse and got indignant. Not totally cool but do you think Tiger's wife should have been Cast as the villain too? Was she playing the "my husband is the worst human being alive" card too? I don't care about this story but if I did I'd wait until the facts came out before getting all upset. Her husband got slapped. Whoop de doo.
  11. Good thing Botts went got a high effort guy that never ever scores for the first line. That's the way to build a team over time. Just to clarify is "sooner" < or > the length of time it will take Seattle to contend? If the plan is to take into account that guys like Mittlestadt take forever to develop but eventually do, does that plan recognize that their free agent vesting process has developed as well? If he develops at the snail's pace you project, then when he is good the league will recognize it and his good years will be spent elsewhere.
  12. Hard to say but my favorite part of all their songs is the end. When they're over.
  13. Not if the stripes have a say. Also, they are not playing well on O.
  14. Some women are choppy with moods that come in bits and pieces. Some want to chop their skype boyfriend into bits and pieces. It is important to be able to tell the difference.
  15. The yes/no choice list seems very binary. You might consider adding: - Symbolically only - Aunt/Uncle but not Mom/Dad - Children are a false construct of the antiquated patriarchal society - I don't think so but college/Vegas/booze - Do clones count? - No but I identify as a mother - No DNA no child support - Sally Struthers says so - In this universe or all potential alternate realities? - You're a commie - Other, please specify Please try to be a little more open minded.
  16. Does that chart give a prediction for the next time a goal will be scored without Eichel on the ice? Let me guess. The 12th?
  17. I'm sure if he signs with the Pats you'll come up with a lot of alternative reasonings.
  18. I see it as having 4 possibilities: Everything happened EXACTLY how Sullivan said and there was no spin Nothing happened at all, completely false It happened but was exaggerated It happened but Sullivan soft pedaled it Which seems most realistic? Whatever happened everyone has bad days. I doubt McD has been100% nice to every person he has met in his life every time he has encountered them. If the in your face described were McD's true personality, wouldn't we have heard at least a few more stories? OTOH, there are about 3,648,216 stories where Jerry Sullivan has spun things negatively. I'll go with Occum's Shaver here. Also the term physical intimidation can be subjective and I'm guessing the 5'8" 114 pound Sullivan's threshold is low. The other thing I wonder about is whether the "relatively young" reporter that "grizzled vet" Sullivan is seemingly trying to protect/defend appreciates his name getting flung around like this solely for the benefit of Sullivan's gadfly street cred.
  19. These kids have poisoned minds and it is sad from all 360 degrees.
  20. Well you gave me the good ole "see I told you so" for daring to question the vaunted Sullivan.
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