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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I agree that McD > Jauron; Jauron takes far too much heat. Those teams were not exactly loaded with talent to do anything but what he did. We have had coaches that were far worse. Greggo, Rex and Greggo Marrone are three examples.
  2. So Denver prefers a situation where they have no idea if their QB is going to be good to having Josh? If the Bengals traded Dalton for Josh they would still have the#1 pick which could be traded for an untold fortune or they could trade Josh if they wanted to draft a QB; but they wouldn't do either? They prefer Dalton?
  3. Hirsute Winklepecker > Boiled Elf Derelict Minge gets honorable mention.
  4. I realize he said he thought the Sabres were on a good path and just need to "fill in a few forwards" or something like that and yes that is annoying and stupid but still, your remedy seems harsh.
  5. I thought Jones was actually well spoken and thoughtful in his post game. I'm guessing Dallas finishes strong.
  6. There is no way of knowing if he'd be a good coach. He may be the best NFL commentator ever. He is tremendous.
  7. He has to take that to the house. /sarcasm
  8. Does this remind anyone of any of the planets? If so which, and why?
  9. I am surprised like you that alternatives haven't popped up to these vacuous platforms. I think that can be at least partially attributed to the soft monopoly of critical mass. It's not all that different from Cisco dominating networking in the 90s 00s for example or Microsoft back in the day. Would anti-trust laws apply when they are squeezing out competitors, but customers and ideas? I don't know. I do know two things: It is unhealthy for society and the human condition. If these arrogant morons get their way, millions upon millions will be made subservient and destitute. The purveyors of this doom will not look inward but will blame others and exterminate them. It's horrible to envision but a big yawn re-run of a previous theme in human history. Why is the combination of humility, perspective, understanding of history, and objectivity so hard to achieve?
  10. It is so easy to see Hillary's path to the presidency evolving from all of this.
  11. The time for crying is over. Now it's just all laughing until Botts is gone or Eichel asks out. One of those two things is inevitable. There will be tears of joy or sadness depending on which happens. The inabilty to assemble a team that can handle one of the league's worst, while they are in turmoil, on our home ice demands some accountability. Why are we to believe if he was given 100 years that he could assemble a championship team? He was spotted Eichel and lotteried a no brainer first overall and it's a string of horrible seasons. This is simply not a team on the upswing.
  12. I think if they studied these aliens in the same way you'd study something that doesn't exist, they'd be on the right track.
  13. LOL. Bama is already in unless they lose again. Bama Ohio State assuming they win out Clemson assuming the same LSU if they win out but if they lose it will go to Georgia, Big 10 or PAC. LSU would magically fall behind Bama if they lose. Tua's injury casts a smidgen of doubt but I think the committee would still just give it to em.
  14. 2-8-2 "Not getting outclassed in many losses" is quite the standard. Only outclassed in some of our losses. Other losses happen for other reasons. Dude, we've won 2 of our last 12. Yesterday's lineup had 6 viable NHL players at forward and one was a defenseman. Add back Johansen and you're back to 6. Maybe a couple can be inevitable fringe/role players but overall the roster is inexcusable. I get that dangling Scandella and Miller can't be expected to return much. The time to build a viable roster is not November and it's not 2025. The time has past for Botts.
  15. BTW in the comic Dante is the character that finally wears down Maggie and gets some action post Glen. That actor had to be so psyched when he got hired then like WTF when he found out that Dante was completely different in the show.
  16. Trump made Mexico to put it up. She can make them pay to take it down. Or for two cents each we can build a retractable dome to cover the entire country.
  17. Botts is hosting Thanksgiving this year and watching the Bills game. Dealing with his mother in law takes a lot of prep. Cut him some slack. The trend is upwards. Right on pace for a 2025-26 playoff appearance. Luckily we won't have to face Seattle because they are in the west.
  18. Tough break for the kid but it happens. Luckily we have 14 defensemen. If it was Eichel with an injury we might not score a goal until he returned.
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