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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Fuller V couldn't hold on. I wonder if they had Sills V.
  2. Except within a division it goes to common opponents before conference.
  3. Except it doesn't get called the other way.
  4. Pats DB with the roundhouse punch "at the ball" was cute.
  5. Wait. Ref was supposed to screw him on that spot.
  6. I disagree. I think he looks like he just woke up under a bridge.
  7. There is no chance that is ever called against NE. It's just so dumb and obvious.
  8. Amazing bulllllllllllllllllshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
  9. Honestly if someone ripped his helmet off and hit him with it that person should be fined for ruining a perfectly good helmet.
  10. Lol they covered up the Nazi atrocities. This didn't start in the 80s.
  11. The more they fiddle with their Talleywhacker, the less effective certain things become.
  12. Tom will resist opening this thread for a while but then he will say "I Need to Know".
  13. How about Dearth Star? Because once again......it is nothing.
  14. Not really actually. If we win out they would need to lose to the Fish or Bengals only in addition to us. That would flip the tiebreaker to our advantage. This is equally hard to envision.
  15. Why else would I gave gotten so angry about a Lions/Packers game that I didn't even care about when it started? That crap definitely changed the course of Detroit's season. There is simply a 0% chance that if the roles were reversed that the call would have been the same.
  16. Get ready, no matter what happens for the rest of the year, to not care about being predicted to finish 3rd in the division next year behind the resurgent Jets. I'm already ready to not care about it.
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