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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I have no idea if I'm being considered, I doubt anyone in a position to consider me even knows who I am, but just in case, I would like to formally decline any offer.
  2. Have you seen one that says: "California's been good to me.....hope it don't fall into the sea".? I think Tom has that one.
  3. Maybe they will make a commercial out of this and put it on Pornhub under the title "Let it all hang at the Yang *****.". Edit: Wow that got filtered. Hint: two words, both rhyme with Yang, one of them is gang and the other starts with B.
  4. One of the McKenzie Brothers? Not the Ghostbusters one.
  5. I forgot the order if stuff. I think next Julianne Moore shoots dandruff shampoo up the shark's butt.
  6. Did you get to the part where they lure the shark to Antarctica so the Penguins could march it to death yet? Ledger>Phoenix> Ryan>Nicholson
  7. Good input. Honestly they were tough for me to place. I put the Panthers and Texans in two categories each because I don't think they have had enough hard times overall to tell if things might turn. They were good in the Icky Woods days.
  8. My opinions; please post yours. It has nothing to do with hate for the tam itself; just the fans. I have a few categories. 1. Do they have fans? Jags, Rams, Dolphins, Lions, Falcons, 2. Good fans but only when the team is good. Bengals, Bucs, Titans, Redskins, Panthers?, Cards, Texans? 3. Good consistent fans. Vikes, Giants, Bears, Ravens, Colts, Panthers?, Texans?, 4. Delusional. Jets, Raiders, Browns, Cowboys 5. Good fans in the wrong town. Chargers 6. Obnoxious. Steelers, Broncos, Eagles, 49ers 7. Great fans. Packers, Saints, Chiefs 8. Ridiculously obnoxious and I'd like to slap them all. Seahawks 9. Chowderheads that make Seattle fans look like Saints fans. Pats 10. Incomparably great. Bills
  9. Please let them get crushed by KC so Bellichick can say "We're on to....".
  10. Booger asks if his hand was empty. He had every one of his fingers tightly on the ball.
  11. Clear Lines Are Propagated Tethering Reality Across Planets There is a code name but I forgot it.
  12. Careful with the alternative massage. That got Bob Kraft a lot of bad publicity.
  13. He is in a position of authority for an organization that doesn't put out a lot of food for reporters. That's pretty bad.
  14. Which episode? Because I've seen their thoughts on aliens and let's just say it isn't that impressive.
  15. Lol Cillinsworth said the Pats were setting up for the kill shot.
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