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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. What year John? What is a reasonable year to expect Botts to assemble a contending NHL team? If you're Eichel can you wait until that year? Is that year before or after the target year for Seattle? He has had some time to build, he has a good coach and his roster is outplayed by teams like Calgary and Vancouver. Joki? Good trade if you ignore their inability to develop Nylander. Johanssen? Nice piece, fills a necessary role. Skinner? Very good goal scorer currently wasting away on a horrible line at big $. Montour? Miller? Ok but how about some O? Vesey for next to nothing sounds like a pretty fair trade. Three years in and still two solid NHL backup goalies. Why didn't you mention the genius signing of Sheary or the insane reliance on Mittlestadt? We're agreed that lurching back and forth isn't a good approach. Is it better than being satisfied with no progress in a decade? It's a joke because Botts is further over his head than a guppy in the Marianas Trench. A new GM doesn't have to blow things up if he sees a path. He has to be a lot lot lot better than Botts.
  2. How about not staking the future on guys like Sheary and Vesey? I realize that some of the cap stuff was created with Murray but how can a roster so horrible and which includes a lot of guys on their first contract be near the cap if the GM is competent? The real question is what are the goals for the 19-20 team and what season does the GM project to be the first in cup contention? It seems his goal is about 2026-27 and that is simply bad management. Why not just trade the whole roster to Seattle and we'll be the expansion team? Oh, right. Seattle would turn that down. Botts fails to take into account that the players are people and not robots. The weak minded O'Reilly already ran out of town after crying. Botts got piles of crap in return. Part of that was from lack of proper evaluation and part was due to letting the on ice situation stay in an abysmal state for too long, lowering the value of his asset. Eichel clearly is stronger mentally than O'Reilly but how many more seasons like this can he take? 5?, 3?, 1? There are16 teams in the east and 8 make the playoffs. How many years should Eichel expect it to take?
  3. You can't appropriate that phrase. It's what Bob says when he is super stoned and wants another hit.
  4. LSU running back and Singletary sharing duty would look reeeeeeeal good to me.
  5. Eichel yelling at someone on the bench after the game. Maybe it was a ref just over the boards, but the clock is ticking on him wanting to be here. They have to pull the plug on the GM or it'll be 8 more years of this crap.
  6. I sincerely hope that Pegula hired Krueger as his McD who can help him find a Beane. They have to rid themselves of the ineptitude that is Botterill. In some ways he is the opposite of Whaley. Whaley at least tried to get talent although he often overpaid. Bots has the sense of urgency of a Koala bear at nap time. It is hard to believe they trot these guys out there game after game.
  7. That's candle pin bowling, not real bowling....Mass hole bowling. 7-10 isn't as tough in fake bowling.
  8. He lost me with that but was on target with the rest.
  9. Not crazy: During a hearing, Adam Schiff's left eye will pop out and roll across the desk Crazy: In 2078 a holographic AI depiction of Hillary will run for president of the world. It will have an altered cackle that is more pleasing to a variety of focus groups. Really crazy: Nunes wil pick up Schiff's eye and eat it.
  10. IMO the "hate" question was dumb but her answer was equally bad. Going on a long rant about how her deep rooted Catholicism could never ever allow he to hate while she had the dagger eyes and "don't mess with me or you'll feel the wrath" comments was bad enough on its own. The reporter could've easily followed up with "How has Catholicism taken such deep root in you about the word hate but not about abortion? Can you explain this selective use of the tenants of your religion?". I doubt there is any person in history that has followed a specific religion's path at every moment of their life. But for Pelosi to claim this high ground is absurd. She should've just said "of course I don't hate him, I don't hate anyone" and walked off. Personally I don't think she feels real hate toward Trump, although she might for the reporter. She looks down on Trump and wants to teach him and anyone who would vote for him or anyone like him a lesson about who is really in charge.
  11. I'm going to preemptively guess on whichever picture is posted next. Anne Hathaway
  12. A new day has dawned fellow Bills fan. Settling for a 1-2 start is no longer acceptable.
  13. Make one prediction from each category. At least one has to be politics but not all of them have to be. Not crazy: Beardy McGee will never get anything done. Crazy: The Sabres will end up trading Eichel at the deadline this year or next. Really crazy: Hunter Biden will "commit suicide" causing his father to leave the race. It will be blamed on Trump and a centerpiece of Hillary's campaign. I have no prediction either way as to if it will work.
  14. She's just cutting CO2 emissions. She is organizing a May Day protest where all her followers duct tape their mouth and nose for a full hour. That will save a lot of CO2. Even more than they realize.
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