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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Putin has done a million bad things. Stealing Kraft's ring can't possibly redeem them all. Can it?
  2. Did this ever get answered?
  3. Go. To. The. Doctor. Seeing eye blood is never good. It might be nothing major but needs to be examined.
  4. Ooooh Beardy McGee to the rescue. Spoiler alert: What should happen and what will happen are not the same thing. The only rude awakening lap dog Comey will get is from reflux if he eats pepperoni pizza too close to nighty night.
  5. The report isn't nothing, but it is written so that people can call it nothing. That is on purpose by lap dog Horowitz. Nothing, however, is EXACTLY what will be done with the report. Not a thing. Up next, Beardy McGee and his cornucopia of strongly worded letters.
  6. Sadly, it actually is over. Summary: People with lap dogs can blatantly avert public scrutiny by having their own non-secure email servers holding national secrets for everyone in the world to see EXCEPT the US public. Lap dogs can investigate the opponents of their owners with impunity based on known false documents. Fake oversight can give obtuse opinions about lap dogs conveniently leaving many points open to interpretation even when the raw data is clear. Beardy McGee can be called in late to be phase two of doing nothing. Lather, rinse repeat.
  7. Is the Deep State War over now? Guessing who lost again. Us. Limp Horowtitz spent years developing nothing of value or substance despite having the resources and foundation to do so. He's like the Jason Botterill of inspectors.
  8. He can email you a pdf that explains the whole thing. Send a request with a small donation to mrweo@patriotsdefensefund.org
  9. I agree and although I don't watch them much, I saw the refs screw them a lot too.
  10. It seems like this might be an above average year for firings. I'll list candidates and my predictions, please do the same and add candidates I may have missed. Car- in the books Was - in the books NYG - I'll predict no Dallas - Yes Atl - Yes Det- no Chi - no NYJ - I really hope not but yes Cin - no Cle- yes Jax- yes LOL LAC- no Den - no, barely a candidate IMO
  11. Do you think Botts plans on having a starting caliber goalie on the roster during the three year window projected to await the kid? This is not a static zero sum game. By the time Botts plans kick in Eichel will ask out and Skinner will be collecting Social Security. The GMs job is to assemble a viable roster. He's 0-fer on that and by your projection it'll be "a few years".....making sure to never name an actual year....but it's ok because he got Vesey for cheap? Good gracious. Vesey was cheap because he isn't good.
  12. Douche Edelman fails on the soccer flop.
  13. I knew that flag would be on us even though when thrown at that spot it's on the offense 100% of the time.
  14. How long should he get? 1000 years? Why only Cozens with the mention? Why not other picks from other years? Where are they other than Dahlin? The point is that assuming guys will want to stick around awaiting Cozens and as yet drafted kids has already been proven wrong by O'Reilly. If Eichel picked up the phone and called Pegula today, we'd be in instant rebuild mode with an inept GM at the helm. He'd get more for Eichel than he did for O'Reilly but he'd get pummeled in that trade too. He is way over his head and is willing to let years tick by without improvement. He will never build a championship team.
  15. Agreed. I'm not sure of the cap status of the team's below, but the rest have either a young QB, established superior vet, or are likely to draft their future QB. Chicago Pats? Steelers Raiders Chargers Titans Colts Jags Wildcards might be Giants. Many of the above are stretches IMO but maybe it is enough of a market.
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