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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. A couple picked the Bills to win. I think it was 4-3 Pitt counting the country vote which was clearly miscalculated because someone said people in Tennessee forgot the Bills exist.
  2. Well we could never expect White to be as good as your guy Gilmore who, as pointed out 3,209 times by Collinsworth in a game where he wasn't even playing, is the greatest player in the history of football and ranks with Ali, Jordan, Russell, Pele, Gretzky, Owens, Musial, Williams, Mays and Ruth among sports icons.
  3. If this is true you may want to re-examine your OP and the definition of the word always.
  4. At the front end of the shot you could see a TE in in EZ. Triple covered.
  5. During the game at one point he said "The Steelers have won Championships with teams just like this something something 2006". He made some points during the game about similarities between the teams. After the game he called the Bills 2-3 years away. It's not really out of the ordinary because he sucks most weeks. Years ago when he started, I thought he was very good. Once he got some hype he went douche and never came back.
  6. Aren't you the one who explained that they focused on the Steelers because the Steelers were the better story? Now they focused on the Bills? For Pete's sake the Bills rebuilt an entire roster in three years, are going to the playoffs and are well positioned for the future. Those tidbits got 10% of the discussion time that Styx got.
  7. I learned they like Styx. I didn't know that. They spent 5 minutes reviewing that crappy song and never explained how it connects to the Steelers and why they play it.
  8. He didn't mean the pick he meant the earlier one on the left and it was way over Beasley. Allen wasn't great tonight but he never panicked and they have a very solid D. IMO he is progressing well.
  9. They snuck back into the race with three narrow wins against the Bengals, Browns and Cardinals while the Colts and Raiders were imploding. It's not really a great story honestly. It's a good story. Our's is good too. IMO any broadcast should talk in detail about both teams. One positive was that there were only a few barely relevant Tom Brady butt kisses from CC tonight. Usually there are 100 or so.
  10. GTFO with the "Steelers are a better story" crap. Anything in depth was Steelers except the Edmunds brothers stuff. There are plenty of good stories about the Bills. An almost entirely new roster in three years isn't on par with a team missing their rapey QB and crazy WR? Even the fan stuff at the beginning was supposed to make us look scared of friggin Duck.
  11. 5th nomination for Lorax. Might he win? He's done a lot for a long time. I'm sure there are a bunch of great candidates. Pouncey huh? How many Payton winners have been suspended for kicking a guy in the head during the year they won? He has to be 50 million to1. His "free Aaron Hernandez" shenanigans can't play in his favor either.
  12. It was a big play Roberts made tonight. I like having him, McKenzie, and now Kroft because we can get contributions from anywhere. Overall though your point is correct.
  13. This team has a lot of fun personalities and Tre is probably on top of the list. They seem like a very tight knit group but they aren't wound too tight. They're loose and it works for them.
  14. I think we beat Tenn on a Sunday night in week one right after the forward lateral.
  15. The ridiculous write up above concludes KC can't possibly get he 2 seed meaning we can't possibly beat the Pats next week. Eff that and eff them.
  16. WEO muddying the waters so he can convince himself his team doesn't cheat. But they do.
  17. Whatever their punishment turns out to be it should be doubled based on the chowderhead accent of the guy on Glazer's tape.
  18. Panning back and forth from sidelines to substitutions. Definitely normal.
  19. Comey clearly has some psychological issues. Well, every person on the planet has some, but his are above average and likely the result of long term exposure to groupthink.
  20. It might not all be fake but the "alien technology" theory is fake much like unicorn poop is fake. Technology exists. Poop exists. Unicorns don't exist. ________ don't exist. You do the math.
  21. Either Anne Hathaway or Regis Philbin
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