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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I stopped reading when I saw sour grapes Creed Humphrey mentioned. He had about 36 bad snaps.
  2. I’m not saying there isn’t a case to be made for kicking. I’m saying simply dismissing the advantages that come from receiving is results oriented thinking based on tonight’s game.. The rule should be designed to be fair to both teams, kicking and receiving, and I think for the most part it is fair. There are advantages and disadvantages to each choice. Personally I can’t think of anything more 50/50 without being hokey. The college stuff is hokey.
  3. It’s not an extra down inside FG range.
  4. I think they would only face the wrath if each team scored scored equally on their first drive….0, 3 or 7, then the receiving team scored. If the receiving team scored then the kicking team failed, no real fallout for the coach.
  5. It is exactly the rule if both teams score equally on their first drive.
  6. That’s not entirely true. If you’re KC down three and face 4th and 2 from your own 25, of course. How about 4th and 2 inside FG range?
  7. Huh? If each teams scores equally on their first possession then it is back to the very old school rule of first score wins. So…..if first score wins and you win the coin toss is that an advantage or nah?
  8. If the receiving team scores a TD and makes the extra point, the worst that can realistically happen is that they are either tied in a game where the next score wins or they have to stop a 2 pointer. If the opponent scores and opts to kick for 1, then the receiving team has the advantage. If they score a FG and can hold the other team to a FG they gain a huge advantage. The only advantage for the kicking team is knowing what they have to do and possibly having 4 downs. SF failed in the game, but the rules are pretty even between kicking and receiving, maybe slightly favoring receiving. SF can blame their loss on being outcoached several times in or near the red zone. It also changes what they might have called in third down. And that is an absolutely huge reason.
  9. Haven’t you heard he is the world’s ultimate genius?
  10. Well if you have Amari Cooper in the top 8 ish that is……interesting.
  11. Have you seen Madonna lately? Like Darth Vader without the mask.
  12. I never made a comp of Harrison to Raegor. The point was that Raegor, Ruggs and Jeudy were all taken before Justin Jefferson meaning the experts get it wrong sometimes. If you’re putting a guy in the HOF before his career starts, you may turn out correct. Or maybe not. Emphatically stating that nothing else can happen is something that has been proven wrong over and over again in sports, financial markets, weather forecasting and world history. But you be you I guess.
  13. Did you not say the draftniks are now impervious? Let’s loop back after we’re done watching Trubisky win another Super Bowl for the Bears.
  14. Purple haze all in my brain lately things just don’t seem the same Actin funny but I don’t know why Excuse me while I kiss this guy
  15. You said can’t miss guys don’t miss. I proved you wrong. You then said modern scouting has become infallible. I proved you wrong. You then shifted to top 10 scouting being infallible. I proved you wrong. You then changed the definition of “miss”. But you’re right, we should trade half our team and draft picks for two years because Harrison can’t miss.
  16. He keeps changing his standards just like you but congrats on the Yankees awesome 2023 season.
  17. All true and that can also happen to Harrison or anyone else. With that said, Pitts was still can’t miss……and missed.
  18. So you’re saying Kyle Pitts has lived up to expectations? Gotcha. Thanks for the honest discussion.
  19. What do the following players have in common? Henry Ruggs, Jerry Jeudy, Jalen Raegor?
  20. Lol ok. If everything is pre-ordained as you say why don’t you tell us all the next five Super Bowl, World Series and Kentucky Derby winners? Or just keep the info for yourself and make $$$$$$$$$$? Andrew Luck was “elite” until the game was on the line, but let’s not let facts and actual results get in the way. If you want something more recent maybe you recall the phrase “wrong Josh”. How did that one work out? Would you say Lamar Jackson is having a better career than Sam Darnold? Evan Carter wasn’t on any top prospect lists except for the Rangers. Guess who just helped them win the World Series? He hadn’t cracked Baseball America’s top 500! Modern scouting isn’t perfect. https://www.mlb.com/rangers/news/featured/how-evan-carter-became-the-rangers-second-round-draft-pick-in-2020
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