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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Right. Like I said. The dude from Die Hard.
  2. If they cut Michael Thomas to make room for Brown, we should kick the tires.
  3. The Dems are just spiking the ball and it a bad look. They'd be better off just letting the do nothing Beardy McGee keep on doing nothing.
  4. It can be argued. The funny part is that the greatest Canadian boxer ever was a female dog named Joy. She was quick and smarter than any human boxer Canada ever produced.
  5. Does that skin cream clause Trump get accused of breaking apply to candidates too?
  6. Yes. We need to worship government leaders and pretend they are perfect.
  7. He reminds them every practice that they are allowed to hold. Of of all of the crap that has gone on, I don't understand why the officials are part of their team.
  8. I like him too but if he did that it would be crazy, especially when we're on D. Offside every play. What is the point?
  9. Read the article. They connected it to both Trump and Obama's egos so there are redundant infinite power supplies. We're good.
  10. Oh. My first guess was Gary Busey's son but you said woman and I don't think it is Anne Hathaway without makeup so I'll say.....well wait a minute......I'll say Anne Hathaway without makeup.
  11. She's Canadian. You can tell because she is really dumb and dated the Canadian guy from Full House.
  12. Which decisions have worked for Botts? Tage? Hutton? Mittlestadt? Vesey? Sheary? Good Lord. Calder Cup destiny. Is there one player he has brought in, other than no-brainer Dahlin, that has truly shown he can help a championship team get there? How about someone who can help a team get to the playoffs? Maybe Montour? Giving Skinner all that money and watching year one of the new contract evaporate into nothingness must be part of the plan right? I don't know how you can say this GM has done a good job. Because we'll have some cap money? How quick is a quick fix? Under 8 years? Trying to win sooner than that is fool's gold? That's the windshield? Spoiler alert:. If that is the windshield it has an identical view to the rear view mirror. I think he hired a good coach this time. I'll give him that.
  13. In 2020 maybe we can get a guy from an even crappier band to investigate. I'm trying to think of crappier bands. I'll get back to you.
  14. Alanis Morrisette unable to adapt to being away from the Canadian climate?
  15. A little off topic but TJ Watt is good at his job and good at the "look at me celebrating in a self promotional" way stuff. That doesn't make him Lawrence Taylor.
  16. Proving yet again that Sioux's homework should be done by Sioux and Sioux alone.
  17. By and large I agree. For example having Johnson 1-1 on Douchleman for that many plays does not strike me as something that happened by accident or was what we thought was our best option. There are others. Oh, and we were two weeks removed from watching the Pats steal defensive signals on national television.
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