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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. They are a well coached team devoid of talent. Thankfully some of Bots favorites have been sent to Rochester where they belong. The problem is that in three years he hasn't managed to assemble a roster with more than 10-12.or so guys that belong in the NHL. They are the Miami Dolphins.
  2. All of these are good ideas and I would see any of them in the theatre. Except the French guy with 1000 movies and the chick flicks.
  3. The Eagles should be early Saturday because they are going down against SF or Seattle.
  4. Glad you're doing well. What was the AAA procedure? Did you lock your keys in the car because you were too focused on the heart stuff to pay attention to detail?
  5. Field of Dreams Keep James Earl Jones or Burt Lancaster. Difficult choice but I'd go with Lancaster so he'd turn back into himself when he crossed the baseline. Any Star Trek movie Keep Shatner. Not much would change really. The Sabres Keep Jack Eichel
  6. The Silence of the Lambs Keep the girl at the bottom of the well.
  7. I think he wants to be here but at some point he will likely tire of the ineptitude. He is championship ready now and Bots, despite being gifted with Dahlin, still has this team multiple years away even under the best possible scenarios. Seattle is closer. All the talk of the upward trajectory would seem to make sense for a team with nowhere to go but up, yet somehow Bots makes you wonder.
  8. Hold on to 8/9/10? Accounting for games in hand, they're in 12th now. Losing Skinner already happened when he was taken off the Eichel line. At at this point I'd say they should wait until a new GM is in place before any moves, other than waiving guys and call ups, are made. We can't afford to pick up yet another Mittlestadt, Vesey or Sheary.
  9. I mean it's really sad. It takes a miracle for anyone other than Eichel or someone set up by him, to score. I just typed a Botts rant that included the word rudderless but I erased it because what's the point? I liked Whaley more than most did and realize that I was wrong after watching Beane in action. I hope Krueger has a connection with a viable GM like McD had with Beane. The Pegulas have seen this work once. They can't let Botts run FA and the draft though. No more Connor Shearys or Jimmy Vesey's. One second after the season is over get the new guy.
  10. Eichel is on another level when compared to most NHL players. The bottom half of the roster is just so brutal. Maybe some of the guys sent down to Rochester will help them. Maybe keeping Sheary in Buffalo will also help Rochester.
  11. The real reason they don't get the proper credit is that it's a conspiracy against your hero Bellichick.
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