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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. You forgot the whining. He's outstanding and it was a great play. Their goalie made an incredible save on the resulting opportunity. I get why a penalty was called but not sure why it was a penalty shot. Are there different rules in OT?
  2. I'm not saying Rex did a better job than anyone else could have done. He tore down what what a terrific defense. The offense did improve a bit. I'm saying Marrone was done here. There were many bridges burned and he was past his peak. He made a power play and lost. I agree we made a mistake hiring Rex, although I admit at the time I liked it, but Marrone staying would have been bad too.
  3. ESPN coverage means Watt will get the Bruschi treatment. It will be 37 angles of Watt on every play, including when the Texans are on offense, and 2 cameras covering the rest of the stadium.
  4. Comparing the government and economy of pre-Amin Uganda to that of the US is an example of academic objectivity? Shirley. Marx's observations of human nature and how it should impact the structure of an economy were incorrect and the combination of the naive belief in them and viscous exploitation of them have cost millions of lives. Liberal universities continue to perpetuate this naïveté and it continues to be harmful.
  5. Marrone's offense was atrocious, he wanted all the power and was constantly getting into beefs. Rex was a bad choice but Marrone was going nowhere which is exactly where he is going in Jax.
  6. What player has developed under Botts tenure and made an impact on the club? Dahlin doesn't count.
  7. Sitcom math will face no serious challenges.
  8. I had no idea the guy from Foreiner was named Sylvia. He's from Rochester.
  9. What's the trajectory? Are you aware we drafted a guy that projects as a 2nd line center in 2027? Also, word is that the strength and conditioning coach at Rochester got 2 pull ups out of Mottlestadt.
  10. Botts plan is to wait for the next Fla/Cal/Tex road trip and to get in 36. It's Jan. 1. Is the draft lottery simulator up yet?
  11. I almost entered this but couldn't decide on a character. I lean Wahlberg too but considered: Baldwin Sheen Asian kingpin at the exchange Damon's/DiCaprio's girlfriend/shrink Sleeper pick would be the guy DiCaprio killed on the couch
  12. I agree with that but the quantity of these things reflects on somebody. That somebody is likely the GM. Insert Jim Mora clip here.
  13. If they can get $200 for a $1000 painting, what is 20% of ERod's value? A bag of used pucks with Flyers logos? Is it worrying anyone that Eichel's best friend Bogo and college buddy Erod both want out? Botts ineptitude and stagnation is epic.
  14. Was Jalen Ramsey screaming at Coughlin on the sideline? Marrone is a blowhard idiot.
  15. Does Manish also have a burner ventriloquist dummy that makes Adam Gase say things like "ask the director of player personnel whether he wants Bell here next year because I have no say in that"?
  16. It's become a no-no over the years but I can still tell a lot by a person by just looking at them. Start a thread if you'd like. Name a person or put up a picture and I'll riff. I promise I'll be right most of the time.
  17. I'm going to change an earlier entry. Any Star Trek movie but instead of Shatner: Keep George Takei but as himself, not as Sulu.
  18. Although I get it, the defendant kid looked lost and confused the entire time, which makes sense when surrounded by Muppets. The judge would be a good choice in some scenes but not others. Marissa Tomei would also be viable.
  19. I saw it and was surprised I didn't remember the case in the news, but I didn't. It was very disturbing. The initial act was horrifying.
  20. My Cousin Vinny Keep the second defendant....not Ralph Machhio
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