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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Practice kick should have been unsportsmanlike conduct. Time out was called and whistle was blown.
  2. Not when the weather changes. They simply don't have the history of the Sox C's or even Bruins. Ted Williams, one of the greatest of all times retired before the cheaters existed. Show me two 6-10 seasons in a row and we'll see who ranks. Spoiler alert:. It's the Sox.
  3. Obviously the Celtics are a historically great franchise; arguably the best of the 4 over the long haul. They went through a prolonged cycle of bad some time after Bird. Empty building. It shocked me. You could argue that until the last 15 or so years that the Sox were the least successful overall but they were always supported as much as I can remember. That is a baseball town and I've never minded Sox fans. The same people turn into morons when rooting for the cheats or B's.
  4. Honestly they are great baseball fans and historically not much else. I've seen cycles where either the Bruins or Celtics were bad and their arena was a morgue. With the Sox they are thick and thin.
  5. The rule is quoted directly from the rule book earlier in this thread and you are simply incorrect.
  6. The rule still requires a knee once the player catches the ball.
  7. The rule intent and action. He didn't kneel. That's the rule. Wrt Ford I found it to be a bad call because I didn't think Ford's block was "forcible". That said, forcible is a judgement call and the ref made his call. He judged differently than I would have but didn't ignore the rule. You might be talking about a different pkay but still a judgement.
  8. It's not a hill, no one is dying and nothing is going to change. 99.99999999% the guy's intent was a touchback but he simply did not follow the rule. What happened is akin to him simply dropping the catch. If he did that he can't just say he was going to take a knee anyway. It's also similar to a QB not kneeling in victory formation, turning and tossing the ball to the ref. How would that call be made if the other team picked up the ball and ran it in. The rule is written specifically and it wasn't followed. IYHO what other rules should be flexible? Steratore is human. The rule book has words in it. The ref on the field knew the rule.
  9. The rule states he must show intent AND take a knee or go to the ground. That's the rule. The ref knew the rule and changed his mind on its application. It was reviewable because it was a scoring play so we disagree there. I agree with the rest and think Dave is probably imagining having seen this multiple times. I don't recall having seen it. I do recall guys who aren't going to return simply letting the ball bounce in the EZ. That happens multiple times every game.
  10. Then don't. The stuff you typed about the ball landing in the end zone is as irrelevant as citing the rule about bunting foul with two strikes resulting in a strikeout. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what happened.
  11. The Texans guy too kind a knee earlier in the game. Cite a specific time you saw this. What happens on most/all of the non returns is the returner simply lets the ball land which is a completely different thing. Up thread the exact rule was quoted. It was not followed during the play.
  12. He caught the ball in the air so all that blah blah blah you typed is completely irrelevant.
  13. Completely wrong. You shouldn't talk down to people, especially when you're wrong.
  14. Honestly the only team in the division that concerns me for the foreseeable future is the fish because I think their coach looks like the real deal and they have draft capital. 2020 won't be their year but after that.... The Pats? Of course they have a chance to stay relevant but they are far from guaranteed. What offensive threats do they have? Who is there best player on offense? Tge Jets have talent and Gase. Nope.
  15. They simply made an arbitrary decision to not enforce a rule. That's not good.
  16. Not by 2020 Tom Brady he can't. That would be a fun disaster to watch.
  17. Wow the news is disgusting. One dead thug and they're happy to show anti-American protests from Iran. They barely ever discuss the protests against that regime. Next up we have Jane Fonda calling this a war for oil and they run with that? Schumer whining. He wasn't notified? What a load.
  18. It doesnt That t pose thing is a signal to his team. He is 100% allowed to do that and then run it out.
  19. It's also not revenge against what Brady has become.
  20. It's not golf and he's not Tiger. He is tiast and I doubt NE signs him honestly. Very few destinations. Chicago? Redskins? Tampa? That's all I can even think of as possibilities and they're all stretches.
  21. We also have one of the Pats draft picks lol.
  22. Could the Pats have taken the safety and done an onside free kick or is that a no go?
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