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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Do you think a layer of complexity is added when a country runs hostile operations from historical sites? Don't get me wrong, cyber operations threatening our power grid or some such are bad and all but not on the scale of Trump making inarticulate statements. Still, I think that there are some factors in this situation which tend to make Iran look less than totally innocent. Please don't call me a moran. I'm probably just not fully up to speed about how much should be ignored because of high thresholds. I have recently learned that leading and organizing international terrorist operations for decades should be ignored if you are dapper and have salt and pepper eyebrows so I am coming along. Give me some time.
  2. They've already taken the reins of one. Why waste all that capital and infrastructure? But they should really just let the old guard die off rather than exposing themselves as American Chavez's.
  3. I liked S2 better because the main chick in S1 was annoying and the side characters in S2 were far better. I didn't love how they handled the old girlfriend but I thought S2 was better. I thought the general gist of the ending was very predictable and knew it about mid season. I didn't know every specific detail of how it would play out but I was certain of the main component. I also disagree on the too much Ellie. I thought that made sense and was fine. If they were setting up S3 at the end, it was weak and they should let it end anyway because the ending made sense.
  4. I thought i read somewhere that it sucked but got better. Is that accurate? I'm looking for something new. Most of the SciFi stuff blows and the aliens are always unimaginative; which is ironic because they are 100% imaginary by definition. Honestly I could write better alien characters than 99.99999999% of the ones I've seen and do it after thinking it through for 12 minutes and writing it on a napkin. Why are the vast majority of alien characters so unidimensional and monolithic even in acclaimed projects?
  5. If the rule book says he needs to sing"The Good Ship a Lollipop" to give himself up then that is what he needs to do.
  6. Can you list all of the written rules that don't count so we all have a reference next year?
  7. NCAA rules are completely irrelevant to the NFL. NFL rules say that was a million percent not a touchback.
  8. That is a completely different rule and, for obvious reasons, subjective. The rule on the kickoff and how one gives himself up is objective.
  9. Easier to see through than most clean windows. I thought the Ronan Farrow line had a little mockery embedded in there.
  10. You can find crazy people in any group, even astronauts, but a prerequisite is that astronauts are supposed to be good at math. I guess they waived that at some point. Anyway, does a British astronaut really count? If I go to NYC and hitch a ride in a yellow car am I a taxi driver?
  11. You'll just have to trust them. They've seen it, they swear. They don't know who or when, but they've seen it.
  12. Congrats but it appears to be over now. Will you you come back and gloat about how they're the best 6-10 in history?
  13. Was one of the other options an ice cream social and Trump didn't want to diminish his stash?
  14. Well I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't.
  15. I liked it. Watched it quite a while back because the guy from The Killing was in it. Have been hoping for a season 2.
  16. I agree on Fitz but he is staying put. I'm not advocating for Mariota or against him. It's just a hunch.
  17. Pick one new guy you think will be on the Bills in 2020. It could FA, draft, trade or player awarded from the Pats due to them getting caught cheating yet again. Just pick one. I will go with Marcus Mariota as our backup QB. It's a bit of a surprise but I can see us looking for a backup, he is a dual threat to an extent and I just can't see him getting a starting job.
  18. I thought the ref with two arms up in the air meant a score. Does it really just mean he's confused?
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