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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. So, the opposite? Microbes on Mars, while incredibly interesting, would do nothing to change the fact that the equation is simply not filling wrt intelligent life being present elsewhere in the universe.
  2. Oy Vey on your first paragraph....and not just the paragraph......think. 1. On what assumptions are you basing that? 2. In the context of the ocean, the life is actually quite spread out. That is the point. Even being spread out, a small segment of the ocean, or any occupied space will yield results. We did? Where was that?
  3. You are not incorrect about our outbound signals but you are wildly incorrect about detecting signals. Think that part through again.
  4. Lol on two fronts. 1. I would not be surprised in the least if there were microbial life elsewhere in this universe but that is not the discussion. The discussion is about intelligent life capable of communicating. 2. The crackpots in Greggy's latest article estimate that if space is all the oceans of the world, then we have searched about a hot tub's worth. Sounds small. Now bring a hot tub into any part of any ocean in the world. Fill it. Look for signs of life. You'll find lots. Bad choice of words by the crackpots.
  5. Proof that something doesn't exist is a high threshold. Actually it can't really be met, only approached. Mathematically we are close enough to that proof to know that any penny spent in further search is wasted if that penny is truly looking for aliens. If the penny is justified because alien searching is more understandable, exciting and sexy than straight up space research I'm ok with it. We need to understand space for future generations because our planet and solar system are mortals. We are a long way from reaching out to the stars but many people need to hear we're looking for something for now.....aliens.....or the money might dry up. I'm fine with the deception in service of learning about things that are real. The math says that if our species survives another 14 billion years we are highly unlikely to encounter any intelligent communicative aliens in our universe. But in order to survive we will need to become aliens. I say keep looking as long as the deception is not exposed. Maybe by the time it is, enough people will understand that this learning is necessary. If not, something new can be fabricated.
  6. Do they have golf in Iran? Because any crappy golfer knows how to adjust. If you want to hit the green, aim for the edge of the woods. Sure, some shots will go deep into the woods but some will go on the green. Never actually aim for the green.
  7. Bills related or not the QB FA market appears to be more interesting than its bee in a while. With the young guys in the league and rookies coming in I'm not sure any of the FA QBs will find a starting role. Assuming Talleywhacker stays in Tenn, who of these gets a starting job: Rivers in LAC or elsewhere Mariota Dalton Eli Brady Rosen Flacco Alex Smith Winston Cam Bridgewater Carr Not all of them will change teams but many will. Of those, the ones that could make sense to the Bills as pure backup aren't numerous because they are either crappy or see themselves as starter material. I see mainly Mariota or Dalton as possibilities. Barkley might be enough if they like what they've seen in Davis Webb as a fallback. Where the heck does Rosen end up and in what capacity?
  8. Dude wtf? I pegged that Skype broad as a murderer, dismemberer, bit chopper upper and mother feeder. Does anyone one remember the name of that thread? I'd love to see it again.
  9. These cretins, including Gervais, probably view this as some equivalent of a confession and its resulting absolution. Eff them.
  10. Removal is ideally best done via elections but your alternative won't be so hot. Spoiler alert: Commie. And in case you haven't noticed, everything is a reason for removal. Bad ideas, good ideas, fake collaboration with Russia, imagined abuse of power, choice of frozen dessert. That's where we are dude.
  11. Perhaps he is succeeding because the system our forefathers set up, when not impeded by people bent on power over their "inferiors" and graft of the excess, actually works. Imagine what was gained simply by removing people like Kerry from the mix.
  12. Reddish hair, high potential to murder, chop victim into bits and flush them into the Atlantic? She checks all your boxes.
  13. I don't have the treaty in front of me. Can you tell me what clause a threat, without action, violates? Can you also clarify whether running hostile operations from a designated cultural site violates the treaty too or whether it's okey dokey?
  14. 1. Threatening is talking which is why I called him inarticulate. That is a far cry from actually carrying things out. Your panties are bunched as usual and you are taking leaps wrt what he would or would not actually do and under what circumstances. There is plenty of time for discussion/panty bunching if/when events actually occur. 2. I don't think I've been involved in discussing whatever you're talking about there. 3. Pence did say Sulamani was involved in parts of 9/11 and should back it up or not say it. I don't dismiss it out of hand or accept it blindly either. I also don't start threads about how Russia stole our election based on blind faith in the press. I don't see where Pence tied it directly to killing him. The reasons given for killing him were different and I'm sure the tragic loss of his dreamy eyebrows was factored in.
  15. I read somewhere, linked in this thread....not sure exactly where, that much of their cyber terrorism OP's are run from cultural/historical locations. If true, your thoughts on taking them out? My initial thought would that they could be "taken out" through means other than ordnance and without harming the structures. I'm not sure if that is viable but have to believe it would be.
  16. Says the guy criticizing Trump for something he hasn't done.
  17. Ricky, How the F can you be so dense that you couldn't see THAT coming? Some parts of this have to be staged but it is interesting.
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