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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. IMO Butler Cabin comment was out of line because Romo is free to be both gay and Republican,. Why would that matter?
  2. Does anyone have the link to the companion article where Sabres fans are suing in an effort to achieve memory loss?
  3. I'd like to root for Tenn and I know Vrabel didn't grow up in NE but he just looks like a chowderhead so nope.
  4. There won't be a half dozen players we'll be able to magically acquire and make the leap that is needed. The Sabres were one of the worst teams in the league when Botts got here and they really haven't improved at all. There central issue is indeed a talent deficit. Whose job is it to acquire talent?
  5. They are not your enemy. They are your master. Just give them all the power.
  6. Dude. I'm sure you had a nice conversation and agree politically but you have to trust me. I know a bit chopper upper when I see one and that one is a bit chopper upper. How do you keep doing this?
  7. The Sabres thread is three clicks away.
  8. Any one game, good or bad, doesn't phase me too much. I didn't watch this one so that probably helps, but we are 1-1 vs. St. Louis for the year which is fine. I agree that the cap space discussion is a joke. How will it be used if it is used? Can anyone point to one team in the past 5-10 years that turned their direction by using cap space? Waiting for Cozens for another three years or the supposed star goalie with the unpronounceable name is the "plan"? Because even when the optimists talk about the bright future, these are the two names that pop up. Two names and add in Pilut for a third even though he has been horribly mismanaged and should be here a year ago. Looking at 12 forwards and 6 D, and the Sabres roster, we need far more than those three and two of them come with a three year wait. Seattle is in better shape. I don't know the answer but it is clear that neither does Botts. His "plan" is very clearly not viable. I don't like the turnover but they really need, as an organization, to publicly define their timeline. We want to make the playoffs by 202x and contend for the cup by 202y. Can Botts meet that timeline? Does his current plan enable it?
  9. From a purely scientific viewpoint, that is yet another great discovery. As far as a step in finding life, it simply isn't one. These tidally locked planets are 100% day on one side and 100% night on the other. The regions for liquid water are very narrow. But those aren't the big issues. The red giants they surround are often active and spew radiation far and wide. This one doesn't at the moment but may have in the past or may in the future. The biggest issue is that these planets don't spin meaning the either have a very weak magnetosphere or none at all. Their atmospheres are either gone or on their way to being gone. Habitable is defined very broadly by these charlatans. Oh look, it has 2 of the 5000 prerequisites. It's habitable. That's a joke.
  10. I'm not quite there yet but on the verge of being sick of the word precipice. Aaaaaaaand now I've done it.
  11. Penultimate. Get over yourself already. You can still get a decent one for forty nine cents.
  12. Singletary, Wade, Edwards-Hellaire and check back into the RB market in 6 years or so. Brenda is a good player.
  13. Superfluous unicyclist awarded the silver in the 2020 awkward Papal moments competition.
  14. My statement was that there is a big difference between a microbe and intelligent life. Do you disagree? Intelligent aliens being absent from the universe could be due to microbial life's initial development being difficult, or its advancement being difficult. Or both. Or other factors,. Look up "the great filter". It'll be a start in allowing rational thought in where emotion currently has control. Look at this like a good journalist would: Who: intelligent aliens What: don't exist When: so far ever in the history of time Where: the universe Why: This needs more study. It is definitely interesting but it doesn't change the above. You're focused on this pillar because you want the others to change but things don't work that way. Understanding this will be a key part in humans potentially surviving away from Earth.
  15. OMG tell me this idiot picked up the phone and believed the Indian guy on the other end "from Microsoft" telling him his computer was compromised.
  16. I don't have the exact date of that but it will precede Beardy McGee actually doing anything.
  17. I know. That's why I used "would". I was also cutting him some slack because he's grasping at straws. The leap from organic material to life is indeed not understood. Microbes evolving to intelligence is also quite the leap. Math tells us this likely hasn't happened anywhere else, but not yet whether microbial life is out there. My guess on that question is yes. It may even be close by in one or more of a few places in our solar system. Mars is a candidate as are some moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The sleeper pick is parts of the upper atmosphere of Venus. That would actually be my first choice, followed by the moon with the liquid ocean under ice. I think it's Europa but I'm too tired to look it up.
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