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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Which is all 100% separate from doxxing anyone. My take on JB is that I was clueless so I have no way of knowing if anyone else joking with him might also have been. I don't recall JB joking about underage stuff but maybe he did. Once discovered and fully doxxed I would have been personally uncomfortable interacting with him at all and certainly joking about anything sexual, at any age. I don't recall any jokes from anyone ever on here about underage stuff. My take on the dismissive nature of some toward how far Epstein's tentacles may have reached is that it seems personal. A Buffalo Bills message board does little to enable or disable pedophiles in reality but it can inform. If someone isn't interested then ignore it. Mocking it is something I find strange but whatever. Doxxing of either party in an argument like that seems out of bounds to me. This is whole place is here for disagreements and sharing of information for concurrence and refutation. That can all be achieved without making anything personal.
  2. You're lucky the head chef didn't use you for a hackysack.
  3. Harry Potter? Mark Harmon
  4. I don't really see why that is bad on Sanders. To me it looks far worse for Warren. She approached him. They pretty much called each other liars during the debate,. She can't hold back long enough to have the discussion another time or just let it roll off her back? Some people might see that as emotional, reckless or impulsive. I think she was probably planning on an open mike and hoping to get more. The part that looks bad for Sanders is an inability to process and think on his feet. He should have been able to be polite to Steyer. And the response to Warren should have been "For Pete's sake Liz you called yourself Native American for 40 years and got caught. Everyone on the planet already knows you're a liar". Her little "gotcha" with the 30 years versus 31 years was a setup he fell into because he is a doddering old commie. It wasn't too classy on her part though.
  5. Generally speaking I think people should be able to keep their anonymity. Voluntary disclosure of one's own name is obviously up to the poster but even in cases where a poster discloses tidbits about themself, other posters should not assume that frees them up to disclose more. For example, I think most of you know I have a talking hamster named Sammy. Not many people have one of those so it would probably make me easier to dox. I'd prefer not to be doxxed. I shouldn't have used Sammy's real name, that's on me, but shouldn't be a license to more. I became aware of the JB thing late in the process....I was clueless and found out via PM.....I'll admit I had a bad read on that situation and appreciated finding out because the context helped me understand some weird interactions and to steer clear. There was another poster that I was PMed about before that and it was a complete shock. Again I steered clear and although I still find that one perplexing, it is none of my business really. PPP is here to argue about ideas, however outrageous or disputed. Dig into the ideas all you want but not the people that hold them. Same goes for all the boards. Some people on OTW think aliens exist. They shouldn't be identified either. WRT public information, my take is that calling someone out on an open board is still pretty uncool. If you see someone interacting in a way that might get them harmed or make them look foolish, PM that person. Just because you know something doesn't mean it has to be broadcast. The only exception I'd give is if you found out someone actually works for an organization that is paying them to spread ideas. The board should probably know that, if it is factual, but even then a name would be pointless. Respect other people even if you don't respect their ideas.
  6. J Lo or Colonel Potter from MASH
  7. That was meant to be posted to his grinder, not his campaign Twitter. It's a simple mixup.
  8. My hamster Sammy knows which houses have these cameras and he does vile unspeakable things that require a lot of windex to get the cameras back to normal. He thinks it is funny.
  9. Whatever. It's always about how your Pats are awesome and the Bills aren't. Forgive me for skipping over the twists and turns in the maze and going right to the punchline.
  10. I think it is pretty cool but understand what you mean. They are finding new types of planets at times and all of these things are tiny little pieces in a billion piece jigsaw. I admire this methodical work and it is using the limits of our current technology which is also cool to learn about. It is becoming repetitive at a high level, no doubt, but we are learning new things. The hype machine that spits out headlines like "most Earth like planet ever just discovered" is boring for sure. There really hasn't been an extrasolar Earth like planet discovered at all. If we discovered Venus in a solar system 100 light years away, it would be the most Earth like planet ever discovered, Mars would be a close second. This latest discovery is so far behind Mars and Venus it's like a jogger trying to compete in the Indy 500, but is painted differently. Assuming an 80 year life span, people are impatient and want some discovery on their timeline. That's ok IMO because it pushes things. If we were searching for the cancer cure, and never found it, but gradually cured everything else, that would be cool. Unlike finding aliens, we may find the cure for cancer, but it is the best comparison I could find. Searching for non-existent aliens will have side benefits. Not too long from now, we'll be equipped to fulfill Von Neumann's observations which will be a step for us and hopefully lay to rest the need to imagine aliens as a reason for exploration.
  11. Lol you are mocking the Bills for possibly being willing to take him on but your team was not only willing, they did it. What's next, pointing out that the Bills own similar video equipment to the type the Pats used to tape the Bengals?
  12. There were different types of cheating going on and the sports were also treated differently in the press. The NFL painted itself into a corner by allowing the Patriots to cheat. Once they let Spygate go with a wrist slap, they had to keep doubling down on their "greatness". It was a cash cow for the big networks so lips were zipped on the Pats, steroids and the Ray Rice type stuff. Just look at Tyreek Hill this year. The networks say nothing. It's disgusting. MLB has been reputed to be "dead" for decades. The steroids were just one more nail in the coffin. The TV money wasn't the same for the big networks because of the scheduling structure and the more local nature of broadcasts. This, and the commies trying to promote soccer, made fertile ground for baseball bashing. Good for MLB for treating the Astros like the Pats should have been treated. And the Pats are still cheating because they understand the lay of the land. Maybe all sports are gradually headed toward the Vince McMahon model.
  13. Pelosi was on some show and gave the pish posh to the notion that protests were about anything other than just the plane. It's one thing to not support them, but to not acknowledge them is downright 1984.
  14. If he leaves the Patriots or asks for too much money the charges will be reinstated.
  15. There is a group of gay republicans called the ButlerCabin republicans. I didn't know the Masters connection. Sorry for the mixup.
  16. I guess she had to color her hair because Brunettey just doesn't sound like a good band name.
  17. Or Jefferson and Edwards-Hellaire or Higgins and Edwards-Hellaire or Jefferson and Etienne.
  18. Did you say meh because he was most recently a Pat? Aaron Hernandez also a meh?
  19. Crystal Gayle? The dude next to her is Mark Wahlberg and the chick laying down is Anne Hathaway.
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