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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The penalty on Frolik was baloney but he blows....at least tonight. He shots have nothing on them. His decision making has been bad. Another Botts gem.
  2. No worries, and feel free on the tangent. That could be intersting too, albeit separate.
  3. Well it overlaps. One thing I learned is that Douglas Vackotch is an idiot but I had never heard his name before so big whoop. That article had the potential to be pretty intersting and maybe I'll read the rest later but the people at the beginning clearly hadn't done much more than scratch the surface of understanding religion, much less spirituality. They were looking down at religious/spiritual people. That doesn't lend itself to objective thinking.
  4. The premise of the question is about if intelligent life elsewhere is more likely if God exists or more likely if no God exists. You are forced to not assume intelligent life exists or that it doesn't. It has no bearing on the question. Your feelings on God shouldn't really inhibit thinking this through either. In in a way this is a bit of a reverse angle on the discussion here and in a way it is completely unrelated. Ideally we'd here from 4 types: Religious person believing that God would have made only us. Religious person believing God would have made other intelligent life. Atheist believing the universe has just us. Atheist believing intelligent life is elsewhere. I am interested in the "why" in all of the above and things like an atheist thinking it is just us believing God would have created more. Again, why? I also should have clarified that I am limiting the question to our observable universe. Ignoring the math and logic that says we're alone or the wishfulness that hopes for the contrary is necessary for this excercise, so please ignore them.
  5. Proof is a word that can be found in many dictionaries.
  6. Spoiler alerts in order of most obvious to least: It's not aliens The researchers are going to need more $ because it might be aliens We don't have a complete grasp on physics Bugs Bunny will outsmart Elmer Fudd
  7. It'll be fine because Beardy McGee is on the case. Oh wait LOL.
  8. A couple things: 1. Any updates on this? 2. I'm interested in your thoughts on if God exists would it make it more or less likely that intelligent life would exist in one place in the universe than if God did not exist. I think that this can be answered by atheists and religious folks without going into arguments about God's existence. You don't even have to state your beliefs in that regard at all. I find it a difficult question personally.
  9. Another do nothing job on the public dole produced by Beardy McGee who has still produced literally nothing while he bides time until Jan 20 2021 or Jan 20 2025. This broad is replacing a guy that just became a judge after doing zero while under Beardy. Nice reward a-hole. These people are garbage.
  10. LOL at Laura Ingraham who used a graphic about Bolton calling this a "Red Herring" and picturing a fish. She meant Bolton is a distraction or "Red Hair Ring" and messed the whole thing up.
  11. Sheary Vesey Mittlestadt Thompson. One was drafted; a draft pick has value. One was received for O'Reilly. ROR had value. Two were signed to free agent contracts and they both suck. This does not inspire confidence in his talent evaluation skills. On top of that, crappy players like Erod and Bogo are dissatisfied and their minimal value has decreased even more. A GM is an asset manager and the idea is to increase the value of your assets. If you start out with hundreds or billions you still want the value to increase. Botts simply has not done that.
  12. Unlike McBeane's process of plugging in players that fit a winning system, Botts has plugged in players that are not useful in any system. Ok, maybe a minor league system. Go Amerks. The Sabres aren't going to win consistently until they get a real GM. Unlike Murray, I do hope Botts gets some sort of administrative job somewhere because he seems like a decent guy. I also wouldn't mind seeing him get a head scout role for a division rival.
  13. I saw some highlights of the mascot game on All Star weekend and it looks like even Sabretooth was selected by Botts. He'll be in Rochester soon.
  14. So do you think there will be a lot people making sure their shirts aren't red?
  15. Well, at least we all avoided a thread about your rude neighbor snowblowing in the middle of the night.
  16. This will be ignored because it is Rudy. No amount of evidence would matter. In the mean time Beardy McGee's thumb is still up his ass by design.
  17. I thought the purse was a forced march from Giselle. This refutes that theory.
  18. Did anyone get a glimpse of who was driving Feinstein's car?
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