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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I hope Botts didn't really say that on the heels of his "Cozens in the World juniors finals gives us valuable playoff experience" doozy. Games that are turning points are determined long after further results are in. Ott, Cbus, Col are all just games. Side note since I think now even the most delusional have given up on playoffs: If we miss next year we'll tie the all time longest NHL non-playoff streak.
  2. Very well done by her. I didn't think the other woman was "flipping out" but the worker was definitely in a tough spot,. The woman being surprised at Pete's sexuality, irrespective of her opinion on the topic, definitely shows that she is pretty damned uninformed and probably should not vote for anyone. Although not filmed, she took back her card and turned it in for Biden then said "wait a minute, are you telling me this guy sniffs people's hair"?
  3. Chuck Manson? Ted Bundy? Ted Kascynki? David Koresh? Jeffrey Dahmer? John Wayne Gacy? David Berkowitz? Ed Kemper? Wayne Williams? Mike Bloomberg?
  4. I think you might be right.
  5. If you lose more games than you win you are simply not a .500 team. This is true whether you look at the record or take a percentage of awarded points. If a team is 0-0-1 they have one of two available points but only one of three awarded points. Standings are determined by awarded points. It has nothing to do with whether a team sucks or not. In the NFL a 15-0-1 team is technically undefeated. In the NHL an 81-0-1 team has been defeated. An overtime loss is a loss and a 13-13-4 team has lost 17 times. I think the .500 misperceptions goes back to when the NHL had ties and awarded 1 point each. It's an illusion.
  6. You just repeated above "a normal name" in response to my question about one or two names. "A" means one. "Two" means a given name and a surname. Thus I guessed Shakira. I'm not sure if you were trying to trick me or not but overall you have had some really good ones. Please keep them up. This one was just a mistake. Cousin Rocky, pictured, was played by Cody Burger. Maybe Schumer was an extra or in a bit part.
  7. They are tied with Beardy McGee on the results tally. Soon they will be ahead but they will always be questioned. McGee's results will be questioned on the 12th when they are released.
  8. A team that goes 0-0-82 gets 82 points. If you add up points from all 31 teams it will invariably exceed 31*82 or 2,452 which renders that team below average. It's not really splitting heirs to call them below .500 because an overtime loss is a loss. IMO it should be that a regulation win nets 3 points which would make every game have equal value. It is odd that some games are valued higher than others in the current system. It probably evens out over time but not for every team every year. Your example isn't a good one because the 1-0 team has two games in hand. If you made them 1-2-0 then you are correct and the 1-2-0 team is at best tied with the three teams that beat the 0-0-3 team.
  9. In the Sabres 13 wins they got 26 points Inthe Sabres 13 regulation losses their opponent got 26 points In the Sabres 4 OT losses their opponent got 8 points, the Sabres got 4 for at total of 12 26+26+12=64 What is unknown is how many times the Sabres won in OT which adds to the 64. If it was 4 games then the Sabres got 30/68 I understand that the total any one team can get is 60 but a .500 team gets 50% of the awarded pints, not the available points. To simplify it, an 0-0-1 team is not a .500 team.
  10. I see it with the hair and mouth but without a time machine it makes no sense. CGI ain't making that happen.
  11. It not just incomplete it is wildly imbalanced. The coaches job is to get the most from his players and Krueger has pretty much done that. The problem is that almost every bit of the production is from one guy. What would Krueger or anyone get out of the team if Eichel got hurt? Botts was gifted Eichel AND Dahlin and the team is still struggling. It is not ok that a GM + Eichel + Dahlin can't get past this point in three years. And 13-13-4 is NOT .500. There were 64 points awarded in those games and the Sabres got 30 of them.
  12. I gave up on guessing because he said it was a woman with one name and if it isn't Shakira I can't think of any. The kid is too young to be Charo, Madonna, Twiggy, or Cher. Beyoncé is possible but that would have been well known. Anyway I wasn't going to look it up either but I broke down and did it. I got the same results as you did in multiple places. A dude with two names who is out of show biz. I doubt Joe is being sneaky on purpose because other than the deception with Ann Coulter supposedly having only one name, all his other pictures have been legit.
  13. Got it. To be clear this time does he have one name or two?
  14. Not sure who that is but is the picture from Vegas vacation?
  15. To me this one seems like three parts ineptitude and one part corruption. Maybe they are practicing for the convention and working the kinks out.
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