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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. You mean you don't think Vesey, Sheary, Mittlestadt, Johanssen, Thompson, Berglund, et al, cut the mustard. Are you disagreeing that the Rangers are one of the best teams in the league? And are you ignoring this team's valuable World Juniors playoff experience?
  2. I'm not sure but do you find it annoying when your hamster tries to learn a second language but only the swear words?
  3. These people can sire use their imaginations but their imaginations sure are limited.
  4. And people also claimed Clinton and Obama wouldn't leave. It's a joke.
  5. In the same way an arsonist does? I don't think that is true at all. They made consecutive hires of an arrogant moron followed by a nice guy who is a moron. They need to better with the next hire but I believe they want to win.
  6. Understood. But is it Joan Jett?
  7. The net of this is that Bots took three years to turn us into an expansion team that has no ability to draft players from other teams.
  8. She's a liberal from Mass. I don't like to categorize people into groups but if you do you won't find a more racist group than Mass liberals.
  9. Very sorry to hear. May God rest her soul and give peace to you and your family.
  10. Imagine how dented that can must be given how long Beardy McGee and rest of the phony grifters have been kicking it down the road.
  11. You're getting there. Let's just say these systems exist in 100 years. By then two other things will likely have happened: 1. Artificial intelligence will have made huge leaps. 2. Another theorized, or as yet theorized superior system of high speed space propulsion will have been devised and would potentially be deployable. Don't like 100 years as a measure? How about 10? 50? 1000? 10,000? Pick one. And let's say the limitation of light speed turns out to be 100% the upper limit. There is another constant that renders this exploration a little less exciting but no less important. It will always be vastly more difficult to maintain a life support system traveling for decades through space to known or unknown destinations than to go without one. Each one of us has billions of bacteria within that help support our existence. The same complexities and interdependencies are obstacles for most living things on Earth. Does it make economic sense or scientific sense to attempt to send entire ecosystems on journeys for thousands of years in multiple directions? It sure would be awesome but does it make sense? I don't think so, because all of these life forms come in miniature form and you know what they all do? They replicate. We don't have the means at this point in history but at some point in the future we will be able to send a miniature Noah's Ark.....and it will be able to replicate. It's transport will also be able to replicate. No matter how advanced we become, this method will always make more sense than transporting actual living things. So.....given self replicating robots that hop around exploring, how long would it take to explore the entire galaxy? Realistic numbers say it would be about 250k years once started for the purely robotic variety. This method makes sense for us. If the galaxy was teeming with life it would also have to make sense for at least some of the other societies, no? 250,000 years isn't that long really. But where are all these probes? Where is any other sign at all? We are learning a lot and every single thing we've learned in the past decade+ points to it being just us. Every data point. Our probes will be the first but with some luck and perseverance they will succeed somewhere, probably many somewheres.
  12. I'm sorry to hear that and sincerely hope she does well in her recovery. My post was in no way meant to be related to cancer survivors.
  13. From your picture you look bald. What do you know about consistent hairdressers?
  14. Punky Brewster transitioned?
  15. OMG please make better thread titles. I didn't want to click on the thread because I thought Wimpy died or something.
  16. Jason Botterill in 15 years. The shirt gave it away.
  17. Tomorrow's game is a no win situation. If they win its Detroit. If they lose.....oh boy. I guess they can avoid a revolt of fans. I don't want to see that.
  18. I'm sure it's wrong but I'll go Mike Golic. Maybe Harvey Weinstein?
  19. Which embalming fluid company has the corporate sponsorship for this tour?
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