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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. PFF Update: Mayfield caught soliciting hummers behind the Cheesecake Factory but he is still having a better offseason than Allen.
  2. She did but it was a Kiko Alonso which confused her.
  3. Sabrestat:. Since he and his 4.2M salary were acquired, the Sabres are 1-0-0 when Michael Frolik scores an empty net goal and 0--0-0 in all other games in which he scores a goal.
  4. You know what? If even one human is sick enough to hump that thing maybe we all deserve to die.
  5. The lobbying power of people who hump bats is stronger than I would have expected. IMHO there should be a stigma to being a bat humper.
  6. Did you watch him play in 2019? There is zero left to be feared. I hope NE give him 30M.
  7. We were talking about people's cousins without context. I figured why limit it to cousins. Aunts and Uncles and Aunts that turn into Uncles are fair game. Anyway I'm still not clear on why this guy trusts his cousin so much about Olsen. My tied for 5th cousin Brenda is a wonderful person but she doesn't know anything about football. If Brenda said we'd be getting Olsen I wouldn't put much stock in that.
  8. Well the millennialist better grow an aversion to Socialism or their kids will pay dearly and it will not be enjoyable to watch as parents.
  9. Update:. Sammy is calling me poonda sheemo but I don't know what it means or how to spell it. I just sounded it out. It doesn't sound like a compliment when you hear his tone.
  10. Even the bathroom based email server? Dry erase like with a cloth?
  11. Just so you understand my position, I do think these things are very concerning. I think it very clear that a large group of people are trying very hard to hold on to control that they have had for a number of decades. Call it deep state or whatever. The problem is that there are very few willing to confront the issues involved with this centrally held power. The minute Comey was introduced as a highly respected "by both sides" impartial arbiter of justice my BSometer was triggered, I then saw him talk and the needle pinned. I knew that claptrap about Hillary doing things that would have landed you or me in jail for good would result in nothing waaaaaaaaaaay ahead. They could have paid me a few million and I could have written that crap he spewed on national TV in an hour. It would have saved time and money. He's a lap dog exactly like I said years ago over and over. I'm sure if you look you can find it. Beardy McGee, like Huber and Horowitz have merely put a different spin on the same inaction. This is is all very obvious and right there for people to see. That it doesn't bother some people because of political persuasion is sad but real.
  12. Well run organizations aren't just going to let a ton of players walk without trying to re-work the guys they want to keep and let the Shearys of the world hit the market. We also won't be the only team with cap money and any top FA will realize we need 4 top FAs or this won't be an attractive place at all. We are not set up anywhere close to succeed in FA the way you describe.
  13. Dude sorry but as much as they likely did, they are not getting indicted because the phony indictors are part of the pack.
  14. Lol at "a few missing pieces". If by " a few" you mean nine then we agree. I also agree that the offseason is a better time to make transactions than just doing a deadline deal to do it. With that said, I am skeptical about a magical avalanche of good players falling into our lap. Most NHL teams are competently managed and able to adjust to multiple factors. We are used to signing Connor Sheary and hoping but other teams aren't run like that. You say that you're "hopeful" that "in the not too distant future" that the tide will turn. How does the tide differ from the trajectory which I've been told is already upward? Does the trajectory impact the tide sort of like the moon does? In terms of time are we using a human scale or a geological scale? The lack of specifics would be funny if it weren't actually superior to those the GM gives. Bots is a nice guy and I'll take no personal joy in watching him go, unlike Murray's departure. But depart he must.
  15. That just missed Foxboro. How much more/less CO2 do we need? We can do it!!!!!!
  16. When you assemble a roster as talent laden as this, you'll have to adeptly manage all the moving parts.
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