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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Oh look, another phony who is going to so something someday. WTF? These people are worse than the decoder ring from a Christmas Story.
  2. Lol this phony isn't going to do anything. Articles like this give the illusion that something might happen someday but it won't. Soon they will have to stop putting out crap like this because even the true believers will come to the realization that Durham, Barr and the rest are either complicit or impotent. I don't care which it is. The lefties can rejoice all they want but the bureaucrats have now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they can do whatever they please and they will be kind to no one with their fortified hubris.
  3. Some stuff counts double, some counts regular and some counts half.
  4. Maybe Waters isn't clued into the obvious fact that Huber, Barr, Durham, Nunes, Horowitz and the parade of other blatherers aren't ever going to do anything but talk.
  5. Dude John Lithgow does seem pretty gay but he wasn't president.
  6. Those lines aren't hard to read between. If you've had a high income and been taxed at 16% or thereabouts of your first $100k or so every year for 40 years, you are going to get zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeero.
  7. Imagine the outrage by Waters if Barr or Durham actually did anything. Don't get me wrong, obviously they won't, but imagine if they did.
  8. You were the one implying we don't care enough about the wu tang clan virus or whatever it is.
  9. The main downside of Seattle signing Olsen is that the legend of Austin Hooper is going to spin out of control for a month. If I never read that bag of hype's name on here again it'll be too soon.
  10. I figured it out and whoever thought it was Fran Drescher will be surprised.
  11. They already have that phone mind reading thing but it only works when you point at a Canadian because nothing happens.
  12. To clarify, hold whatever opinion you'd like on abortion. But if you think people on a football message board "not taking Corona virus seriously" enough for you has any impact on the world, then you need help. I'm not sure where "most Americans" stand on abortion and I don't think that really matters. I'm pretty sure most Americans would agree it is sad and pathetic to joke about it to get a rise out of people. This is another reason you may want to seek help.
  13. Without being in the room, it is impossible to tell what is going on. Either side could be right or wrong. If Bogo demanded a full payout plus release, what is Bots supposed to do? He already gave 30 other teams a chance to claim him. None bit. If they can't agree on a number, they can't agree on a number. Bogo is breaking the rules. Bots isn't. A negotiaited settlement is probably best but a period of hardball is sometimes needed.
  14. They also call their top DB the 'Honey Badger". I believe Tre may be the only guy to be both HB and 18.
  15. They aren't talented enough to play like this every game. Guys like Sheary' Vesey, and Okposo contributed well to tonight's win. Okposo had talent to contribute on a regular basis but that is gone. Sheary and Vesey, although viewed as part of a solution by the clueless GM, simply are not viable players for a winning NHL team. The treadmill will continue until Bots is bye bye. We can't rely on the draft lottery every year. Eichel will be 90 years old. It was a fun game to watch last night and some lesser players upped their game a bit. The truth is though, that the roster of forwards needs to be drastically revamped by someone who knows what he is doing.
  16. He thinks he is the smartest person that ever lived. Well, at least smart enough to tell you how to live. He can GTFO
  17. You do realize that the first "positive" you listed wrt our GM about a forward was that he took multiple years to realize that a guy who couldn't do a pull-up wasn't strong enough to play center in the NHL right? This is the guy you trust to fill 5+ necessary forward spots because he has a few salary cap bucks?
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