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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Tatum O'Neil? Olympia Dukakis?
  2. They probably like him because he does was he is supposed to do. Funny how that works.
  3. Those movements are always commie first, race religion, orientation, whatever second. And many within it don't even see it. It is ALWAYS solution: Communize
  4. I'd never trust some marketing gimmick that used Roman numerals to make it seem legit. Myers 1,2 and 3 evidently flopped.
  5. The speed skater guy? I don't know; he was a hard worker but that is pretty random. Why not Bobby Valentine or Freddie Blassie? At least they managed people.
  6. To be fair, a Lemonade stand in Minnesota would have flopped because it's too cold outside so Amy made a good choice holding off.
  7. Wow. America blows. But at least we have trillions to throw around to fix stuff. How did we get these trillions? By sucking?
  8. It'll be super easy for Bloomberg to convince China to chill out on carbon. For Pete's sake.
  9. Warren has a plan to force people to invent stuff.
  10. A lot of negativity. Nobody is winning but Chuck Todd is losing. He's an idiot.
  11. I find filming him when he doesn't know he is being filmed as.....maybe not over the line....but in bad taste. He just isn't good at his job. Yes he makes a good salary and yes he will be scrutinized but as a fan of the team I have no need to watch him circle the drain. I honestly hope Pegula tells him not to make any trades before the deadline and just lets the new GM deal with it all later. Bots' versions of top forwards have so far turned out to be borderline NHL players and ultra replaceable. If we're going to lose a good D man, I'd rather get a forward that the new GM values.
  12. That dude from that movie. I can't think of his name. I'll get back to you.
  13. He seems like a decent guy and it is not an enjoyable set of videos. I find them sad, like someone watching the inevitable. It's sad.
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