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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. But will it dissuade those who want rainbow farting unicorns, time machines and other equally realistic goals?
  2. Look at what he wrote, clear your mind for a second and think. Try to stay away from emotions. Be rational.
  3. Carlos Santana but the one from the Cleveland Indians?
  4. Do they also talk with stupid accents and root for teams that cheat?
  5. Wow. If Bernie succeeded with enough of his stupid plans, it would inevitably lead to dictatorship just like it has everywhere else it's been tried. He might not personally have a lot of people slaughtered, but eventually it would happen. Bernie might not be like Stalin or Castro but the system he wants is like the system they wanted.
  6. If a Canadian is considered a conscious being, why not an electron?
  7. Didn't you say we could judge the Scandella trade once we knew what Montreal got for him? How's it look now?
  8. Don't be a jerk by insinuating people aren't rooting for the Sabres. I don't think that is true for anyone and it certainly isn't true for me. I want them to win every single game. Two good wins in a row and you're on here with a "see I told you so"? Shirley.
  9. I was going to say Adam Sandler but he played professional golf and hockey so I'll go with Mike Bloomberg. Maybe not though because the kid in the picture is smiling.
  10. Although I agree Reinhardt should be on L1, you're making his overall point about Bots. I won't even argue about Skinner's contract because someone else probably would have paid it. So by your account we have one of the very top 1st lines in hockey which includes two cheap guys on it now. We have a 4th line that is average or above for a 4th. We have a good and relatively young/cheap defensive group. How bad does your second line, third line and goaltending have to be to turn the pool in the paragraph above into one of the worst few teams in the league? Spoiler alert: Really bad. Now look at at the fact that you have to pay one of your top line guys just to maintain the atrocious status quo. That burns some of the precious cap money we've been sucking for three years to save and we still have to find FOUR or more forwards. We will definitely have to rely on Ullmark as our 1.....which I'm ok with I guess given the rest of the needs. Bots is simply not the guy for this job. He really hasn't found a forward in his whole time here and now he's got to find four in a year? That's not going to work.
  11. Saul from the Bible? Geez dude how long before something isn't a spoiler?
  12. Notify him that you are so scared that you are going to pee and poop your pants but they are expensive pants so either he can slow down or you will soil the back seat of his car.
  13. The Sabres and Bills plans have not been similar. A big part of that is the difference in financial rules, roster sizes, etc. The plans really can't be all that similar. Also Brandon Beane has neither his head or his thumb up his butt. What can be similar is a recurring ebb and flow of seasoned vets with big cap hits and talented youngsters on the cheap. The Sabres are in a position where they will need to turn over half of their offensive roster in one year and all by acquiring them from a pool of available players that will not be nearly deep enough. The Bills did turn over a lot of their offense in 2019 but the pool of players is generally pretty deep in the NFL. They have also drafted well and players move right into the NFL. Bots hasn't really added much to the offense in his three years here. The players he has brought in mostly really stink and there isn't much to debate about that. Why are we to believe the magic salary cap space will change Bots ability to avoid players like Sheary, Vesey, Mittlestadt, and Thompson? Will he suddenly have an eye for talent? No. He won't. The Sabres need to add 5 or 6 forwards and a goalie. Seattle is in a better position because they have the opportunity. Tim Murray burned this thing down better than any arsonist could have imagined. In three years Bots has turned a pile of burning embers into what looks like a tree fort built in the backyard by 4th graders. We had a couple pieces of the foundation in place and the rest is a random hodge podge of scrap yard materials nailed together haphazardly. We need an architect , stat.
  14. I would do the following: Same as current with the extra game being playing a second game against the same place finisher from the intra conference division we're already playing. On this year's schedule we'd play the Broncos a second time with it being at home.
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