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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The GM selected the coach AND paid big $ to the player right? At present those two things are incompatible which is par for the course and Bots knows golf.
  2. You're gonna need a bigger coffee pot. I'll start with question 2 as I think it feeds question 1. The assumption you make in your answer is that there are many alien civilizations. While I find the scalar and wormhole stuff interesting, let's focus on the conventional. Our travel to Mars, our neighbor, has been what so far? Robotic. Why? Because of the immense process of sending a human. Maybe someday we'll go. It would be awesome, but robots will always be easier. Fast forward to travel through the galaxy and the advantages of sending robots are exponentially increased. Can you imagine a circumstance where any "conventionally" traveling species would send living beings first? If there are multitudes of species as you posit, I find it wildly implausible that the vast vast majority would do anything other than send robots first. Very soon, at the current rate of technological advancement, we will be able to build robots capable of self replication. It has been estimated that such devices could physically visit and colonize the ENTIRE galaxy in 250,000 years. They are commonly referred to as Von Neumann probes. 250,000 years is not a blip when compared to the age of the galaxy. Where are the probes? They simply would have to be here already, multiple times over if your assumptions are true. But they aren't. As for question 1, the scavenger threat could be a real one not just from the aliens themselves, but from the self replicating probes who need materials. If they're shooting off in all directions from each solar system, they'd need a lot of replicant building blocks. In our limited exploration of Mars and the Moon, has there been any evidence of this? What if the probes needed all of Jupiter but could leave everything else alone. That would throw the balance of the system way off. If we ever venture to the stars without finding a shortcut it will almost certainly be in this manner, at least to begin. It is plausible that DNA maps could be embedded into these probes and programmed to be adjusted to meet the characteristics of new homes. And yet, no probes from anywhere ever. No signals from anywhere ever. I wonder why. Maybe we should ask Sheldon.
  3. How about a twist on things for the sake of discussion? If intelligent life exists, and as you imply, has been around far longer than us, in what way do you feel we'd be most likely to be threatened by them if at all. How would they explore the Galaxy/universe?
  4. It was 150 million times as good as his other debates.
  5. But what about their fair share? Liz only wants two pennies and all the rich people cry.
  6. That's the truth which is more important than facts.
  7. Holy crap 150 million people got shot to death?
  8. Try looking from more than one perspective. Think about it.
  9. How about getting a 4th for Scandella only to watch Mtl get a 2nd and a 4th for the same guy a few weeks later? That's a good one. Montreal got a second for nothing. You're welcome. Some me of the salary stuff still lingers with Murray but Bots gets the brunt. And here I thought we were managed so we could pounce this off season. LOL.
  10. Is prat good down under? Drake's equation was meant to "hype" the possible existence of intelligent aliens and draw more $$$$$$$$ for the researchers. At the time it made sense. As the equation has been filled in with increasingly better data, zeroes have popped up as the product of the equation. As you're aware, anything times zero equals zero. It is unclear which factor or factors is a zero, but at least one fits the bill. Certainly the quantity of planets is not it. Holy Moly. I admit I've mocked Drake's equation and stoners who stare at the sky and say "whoa dude that's like really big" but I certainly haven't relied on them. I've relied on the data.....the math. If something was there to be found, it is almost inconceivable it wouldn't have been found yet. Don't rely on me. Don't rely on Drake. Don't even rely on Von Neumann or Fermi. Rely on the results, and the math behind them.
  11. There are a few steps; none of them are difficult. They have been spelled out in this thread. Rid your analysis of emotion and wishful thinking and voila. If you want it spelled out the best way to spell it, although not the only way, is...V,o,n,N,e,u,m,a,n
  12. Dude just think about it using actual logic.
  13. You didn't really do your homework did you Sue?
  14. Excellent. If you thought it through correctly you've arrived at the conclusion that intelligent life does not exist elsewhere in the universe. Did you think it through correctly?
  15. Think about what you wrote. Do so objectively. Think about what it means regarding the likelihood of intelligent life elsewhere.
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