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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Bots got bad value for ROR but he was in a corner because ROR had acted in a highly unprofessional manner. The drunken donut whined about being unable to motivate himself and he did this publiçly. He did turn things around quickly when he left but whatever. I guess some part of the insufficient haul is on Bots but I can't put 100% on him, The other moves made by Bots are a series of failures resulting in the grand parade of lifeless packing known as the Sabres.
  2. Don't ask @Joe in Winslow because he wouldn't know one if he got one.
  3. Geez I read that wrong and thought someone gave in and flew to San Diego.
  4. Just checking back to see if Barr or Beardy McGee have actually done anything. Nope.
  5. But restricting the way low profile people live is not American.
  6. Let me guess. You prefer the redhead but only if the island came equipped with cannibals under her command so you could be chopped into bits and served as the Thursday night stew. Am I close?
  7. Are you saying you went blind from watching Catwoman? Your parents warned you about that.
  8. If the Bills traded two first rounders to a team that gave back nothing except a promise to make you stop creating threads like this, I'd be ok with it.
  9. I choose Julie Newmar's Catwoman.
  10. Things require thinking so how about a few questions that will show you? 1. IYHO are there potentially many intelligent species strewn about our galaxy and others?
  11. Do you want me to explain how to boil water too? It really isn't difficult but it requires you to think for a minute instead of perpetually wishing.
  12. 1. Dumb Canadians 2. McCain and Romney 3. I don't care
  13. Dude, seriously. Think about what you wrote. It does not align with reality.
  14. Hacksaw Jim Duggan Anne Hathaway?
  15. Side note:. I know spay paint is a typo but imagine if it were a real thing and could be brushed on to every Canadian in sight.
  16. It'd be interesting to see what they could get for Haskins. More than what Arizona got for Rosen?
  17. I agree with him that UFO crashes are a silly notion but we have different reasons. If, however a species conquered the massive task of interstellar travel, they wouldn't be crashing. Not even their teenagers. What he misses is the undeniable reality that at least a large percentage of travelers would start with self replicating probes and radio and other signals before that. In order for them to "hide" they would have to chase down all their signals and probes before they reached us or anyone else and cover their tracks. And if there are thousands of societies out there, they would ALL have to do the same thing every single time. This is not realistic. It isn't the greatest analogy but if humans decided right now as a species to hide from ants, could we pull it off? You know the best way to hide? By not existing in the first place.
  18. Personally I find it mind boggling that needing to replace half of a roster of expiring contracts is considered an accomplishment. Salary cap money or not, that is not an easy task. Where are enough good players going to come from with the combination of their old teams keeping them and other teams with cap $ bidding? If they don't dump Bots, they don't. I have no illusions that he can come close to having a good enough off season to make 20-21 viable.
  19. Wait a minute, I thought the big picture was an upward trajectory. Does anyone still think Eichel asking out to get away from Bots master plan is unrealistic after a quote like that? If Eichel had an injury, the Sabres would be the worst team in the league by a country mile.
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